我想大家都過了一個愉快的聖誕節, 以及一個歡樂的跨年時刻. 緊接著, 我還要告訴你們一連串有關教會, 令人興奮的活動:
我想大家都過了一個愉快的聖誕節, 以及一個歡樂的跨年時刻. 緊接著, 我還要告訴你們一連串有關教會, 令人興奮的活動:
* 元月14~16日, 麥克長老以及教友馬可將來台督導, 所以將由他們主持14(五)晚課, 和16(日)領聖餐.
* 元月14日(五)晚課, 將會有一個自助餐會, 請帶一些食物或飲料來與大家分享.
* 元月15日(六)是 Iris Lee大婚囍慶(台北某處), 請大家給與誠摯的祝福.
* 元月16日(日)做禮拜將要領聖餐, 請已受洗的教友, 記得參加.
* 元月14日(五)晚課, 將會有一個自助餐會, 請帶一些食物或飲料來與大家分享.
* 元月15日(六)是 Iris Lee大婚囍慶(台北某處), 請大家給與誠摯的祝福.
* 元月16日(日)做禮拜將要領聖餐, 請已受洗的教友, 記得參加.
* 元月23日(日), 我表妹珍妮芙一家 (老公伊力, 兩個兒子理安和科倫), 將來台一遊, 也會參加做禮拜, 歡迎來認識交流.
** 元月23日(日)做禮拜之後, 我將陪表妹珍妮芙她們一家, 周遊台灣一星期, 緊接著又是農曆春節假期, 期望大家能有充分的休閒時間, 所以教會將暫停開放兩週半. 直到二月十一日(五)的晚課重新開放.
** 元月23日(日)做禮拜之後, 我將陪表妹珍妮芙她們一家, 周遊台灣一星期, 緊接著又是農曆春節假期, 期望大家能有充分的休閒時間, 所以教會將暫停開放兩週半. 直到二月十一日(五)的晚課重新開放.
歡迎來教會認識美國來的新朋友, 相信他們也會很樂於與你們相逢, 並請記得 1/24 ~ 2/10 教會將暫停開放兩週半, 也請轉告所有你知道的親朋好友以上的訊息.
願大能的神, 在休息期間賜給每一個你 ^_^ 大大的祝福 ^_^ 和你們的親朋好友.
----- 轉寄信件 ----
寄件者: Monica Moreland <>
收件者: Eric 加貝屋 <>
寄件日期: 2011/1/1 (六) 11:05:10 PM
主 旨: January and February schedule for church
Hey Everybody,
寄件者: Monica Moreland <>
收件者: Eric 加貝屋 <>
寄件日期: 2011/1/1 (六) 11:05:10 PM
主 旨: January and February schedule for church
Hey Everybody,
I hope you've all had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year's. We have a lot of exciting activities coming up that I wanted to tell you about:
*January 14-16--Elders Mike Stephenson and Mark E. will be coming. They will be at church for Friday class and Sunday worship.
*Friday, January 14--we will have a potluck that night for class--please bring a dish of food to share
*Saturday is Iris' wedding in Taipei area--Congrats to Iris and Mike
*Sunday Worship--we will have a worship and the members can partake of sacrament
*Sunday January 23--my cousin Jen, her husband Eli, and their two sons (Liam and Callum) will be at church for Sunday class--please come meet them
**Sunday, January 23, will be the last class until Friday, February 11th. For one week, I will be traveling around the island with my cousin and her family, and the week and a half after that is Chinese New Year's. I know many of you will want to spend time with your families or travel.
Please mark these events on your calendar and try your best to attend them. We'd love to see you, and our guests would love to meet all of you! :-)
May this new year bring God's richest blessings on each of you and your families!
God bless,