
May 7 (Friday 19:30 pm - 22:30 pm)
Story of Enoch
God was very pleased with a man named Enoch, and God called Enoch to go preach his Gospel to some very bad people, even though Enoch wasn’t very good at talking in front of people. Enoch went and preached to these people, and some people thought he was crazy. They called him a “seer” because God had helped him to see things that most people couldn’t see. Many people didn’t believe the words that Enoch taught as he explained to them the plan of salvation. Enoch talked to them about their first father, Adam, and he taught them about creation and the need for baptism. Enoch also told the people about his experience up on Mount Simeon, where he talked with God, and God showed him things to come.

God gave Enoch a lot of power, and when Enoch spoke, the mountains moved and the earth trembled. He could cause land to come out of the sea and for rivers to change their course. People feared coming against the group that Enoch led into battle. There were many battles during Enoch’s time, but God always protected his people led by Enoch. The Lord blessed his people and called them Zion because they were of one heart and one mind and dwelt in righteousness; there were no poor among them.

Enoch led God’s people to build a city of holiness called Zion. This city was eventually taken up to heaven because the people were so good and followed God’s commands. God explained to Enoch in a vision how one day, in a time yet to come, that this Zion will come down to earth again and that everyone in Zion will be happy to see those on earth. The people will hug each other and kiss each other, and that Zion will be on earth for a thousand years.

God showed Enoch many things about different generations yet to come. Enoch saw our day and all of the signs that will come to show us that the end times are here. The earth will shake, and it will be a time of much tribulation. It would be when Christ returns. Enoch saw many things and was able to accomplish something great through God’s help. Enoch lived to be 430 years old. We will meet Enoch when Zion comes again upon the earth. What a joyous time to look forward to in our day.

上帝非常眷顧以諾, 即使以諾, 在人前不是能言善道的, 也召喚他去向某些窮兇惡極的人宣揚福音, 以諾欣然前往並宣揚了 神的福音, 但有些人罵他是 ” 賽爾 ”, 認為他是瘋子, 因為他們無法看見以諾得 神的幫助所稱頌的福音. 許多人都不相信以諾詳細解說有關救贖的計劃. 以諾告訴他們有關人類的祖先 – 亞當, 也教導他們藉由洗禮得到一個新生. 以諾又告訴他們他自己在西門山的經歷 – 在那裡他跟 神說過話, 也是 神的指示他才能來到他們的眼前.

神給予以諾極度的權柄, 當以諾開口時,  就可以移動山丘, 並使大地顫動不已. 他能在海域造陸地, 也可以使河川改變流向. 那些人因以諾的能力, 心生恐懼而多次抵抗以諾所領導的人們. 雖然爭鬥有時令他陷入困境, 但是 神的眷顧終使以諾他們次次都逢凶化吉. 且在他們之間沒有窮困的, 因為 神眷顧每個一心一意維護公義的” 神的王國 ” 的子民.

以諾帶領 神的子民建造一個稱為 “ 錫安 ”的城鎮, 而這城鎮最終昇華到天空中, 因為市民們都是遵守 神的誡律的好人. 神 向以諾解釋一個願景, 將來時機一到, 有一天這“ 錫安 ”的城鎮, 將會再度降臨人世間, 而每一個生活在裡面的人, 也會很高興見到這個榮景的到來, 屆時人們將互相擁吻, 而這榮景將會在地上顯現一千年之久.

神 告訴以諾很多有關不同世代間的事, 讓以諾看到了世間所警示的亂象, 在在提醒他那時機將到,  神 將再度來臨. 那時地球將會撼動不已, 人們將陷入一個眾多苦難的磨練世界. 以諾看到了, 將只有等待 耶穌基督的再次來臨, 藉由 神的種種幫忙,人們才能脫離困境. 以諾活在人世間共 430 年,  而當“ 錫安 ”再度降臨人世間時, 我們將會再遇見他. 這是多麼令人高興並翹首以待的事啊.

1. 以諾花了九個月才建立起 "錫安"城鎮, 當今之世, 你能如期完成嗎?
A: 只要我們一心一意維護公義, 由本身做起, 來影響週遭的人,相信不久, 我們就能建立起 "錫安" 城鎮.

2. 你希望能預見未來嗎? 如果讓你能有機會遇見先知們, 你最想跟誰碰面?
A: Eric: 摩西, 想見識下分離紅海的磅礡氣勢.
     Rachel: 亞當與夏娃, 瞧瞧人類的祖先, 長什麼樣.
     Sharon: 耶穌基督, 這是目前我能親近他的方法.
     Steve: 天使, 想確認天使們是不是都有翅膀.
     Eileen: 諾亞, 看他如何驅趕成雙成對的動物上方舟.

後記1: Monica 見大家討論熱烈, 就說起自己的 Testimony, 高中時參加靜修營, 有次營火晚會唱詩歌時, 她看見天使們圍在她們的圈圈外, 保護她們(營地是在野外), 更神奇的是同時有 5-6 個同學跟她一樣看見天使們.

後記2: Monica 起了頭, 欲罷不能, 接著說她"遇見"耶穌基督的事, 童年時父母常爭執, 她當時非常生氣, 認為 神並未眷顧她們一家, 逐提筆在聯絡簿想寫些氣話, 豈料, 筆下的字卻令她淚流滿面, 因為她不由自主所寫的是: "我永在妳身邊" "我沒有離妳而去", 剎那間她明白, 命運不可違, 一切自有定數,  自此, 她以更加虔敬的心信靠主, 即使今天匹馬單槍闖蕩五湖四海, 她一樣勇往直前, 心中了無所懼.

後記3: 下課了, 男生捉對嘶殺打乒乓球, 可是女生們意猶未盡, 還持續在討論著 - 有關健康節食法, Monica 聽了都搖頭說, 妳們哪需要節食啊! 好笑的是, 桌上還擺滿了各人的獻品(零食): 不信, 有圖為證.

(詳細經文請參考網站: )
(Those who came: Monica, Eileen, Eric, Sharon, Steve, Rachel)

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