復 原 耶 穌 基 督 教 會 台 灣 佈 道 所
The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission
February 21st, 2016 火 柱 Pillar
(長老 法蘭克 Elder Frank Van Fleet)
開始之前, 我想先唸一段詩篇的經文, 來做為今天的開場:
依 靠 耶 和 華、生 活 更 美 好
詩篇 Psalms 145:14-20
14 凡跌倒的、耶和華將他們扶持.凡被壓下的、將他們扶起。
The LORD upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
15 萬民都舉目仰望你.你隨時給他們食物。
The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.
16 你張手、使有生氣的都隨願飽足。
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
17 耶和華在他一切所行的、無不公義.在他一切所作的、都有慈愛。
The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.
18 凡求告耶和華的、就是誠心求告他的、耶和華便與他們相近。
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
19 敬畏他的、他必成就他們的心願.也必聽他們的呼求、拯救他們。
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.
20 耶和華保護一切愛他的人、卻要滅絕一切的惡人。
The LORD watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.
神 真 心 對 我 好 God is so good to me.
那麼今晚, 我們將藉由三個真實的案例, 來見證 神愛世人, 以及祂眷顧子女們那無與倫比的心. 等等我會簡略的談到舊約裡, 出埃及記十三章的部份內容(附注在文後, 請自行參閱, 不再朗讀), 好了解歷史的背景, 另外會詳述十六章的內容.
不知道各位, 是否還記得, 我們曾經提到過, 當時有很多的以色列人被擄獲而在埃及為奴? 首先, 神差遣摩西去探詢埃及的領導人- 法老王, 要求他釋放被擄獲為奴的以色列人.
可想而知, 統御的法老王哪裡聽得進摩西的提議. 於是, 神開始降下災難懲處埃及, 迫使法老王折服; 但是心腸硬的法老王, 依然不理摩西的請求, 於是災難一波波的降臨.
直到最後一波的災難, 將把全埃及的幼童長子(意為未來家庭、事業接班人)因染上惡疾而死亡, 我們上回有談到, 除了門檻上抹羊血, 得以避開以外(當然埃及人家不會知道這樣的避難良方), 無一得以倖免於難.
因為這波幼童染疾, 也含括了法老王的長子, 法老王雖然心不甘、情不願, 最終不得不同意釋放為奴的以色列人.
前面提到, 身為統御一方領導者的法老王, 心有不甘, 更不願屈服在不可見的 神力之下, 於是派遣軍隊從後追捕, 想截獲所有以色列人, 再次捉拿回埃及為奴; 因為眼下無人為奴, 一切打雜重務已全面停擺, 要不就得自己捲起袖子來做, 各個苦不堪言.
懷著又愛又恨心情的法老王命令軍隊, 除了儘量追捕以色列人以為奴之外, 所以, 同時還有無法捕獲時截殺的矛盾指令; 但是, 我們的 神, 早已為以色列人做了妥善的安排. 在被埃及人追捕的情勢下, 就是日以明亮火雲指示, 夜以火炬照亮、指引以色列人, 一路來到紅海的岸邊.
以色列人眼見法老王的大軍, 就要追趕上他們時, 不禁抱怨起 神, 為什麼讓他們踏上前無去路(面對紅海), 後有法老王追兵的險境? 難不成死在這窮鄉僻壤, 竟還會有比服侍埃及人更好的事嗎?
正因為他們對耶和華的信心不堅定, 摩西只好一再安撫, 並打氣不要害怕, 應該挺身而出面對, 看看 神這一路以來的安排, 將如何解救我們, 必不會把我們送回給埃及人為奴僕了. 必要時 神會為我們而戰, 使我們的敵人毀滅於無形.
在此, 我發現一個有趣的現象, 那就是指引以色列人的明亮火雲或是照明火炬, 在敵營也就是在後頭追捕的埃及大軍看來, 卻是又黑暗又可怕的環境, 縱然是眼見以色列人, 近在眼前, 卻促使他們不敢趨前一步追捕以色列人.
緊接著, 就在以色列人向 神發出怨言的同時, 神賜予摩西更大的權柄, 他分開紅海成為一條陸路, 且是又乾又硬的泥土路; 摩西率領以色列族人, 終於踏上離開埃及國土的道路.
當那埃及大軍眼看就要追捕到以色列人, 不意摩西揮舞他的權杖, 竟然硬生生的把個紅海一分為二, 還帶領攜老扶幼的以色列人, 一晃一晃的走在乾旱的海床上, 頓時把埃及大軍驚嚇恐慌得不知手措.
等到回過神來, 以色列人幾幾乎全部踏上彼岸, 心裡想他們能走在海床上, 我們大軍騎乘車馬, 豈不是更為容易通過? 一聲號令之下, 全軍搶過海床, 繼續追捕以色列人; 就在埃及大軍, 陸陸續續下到海床, 驅車策馬前進的同時, 所有以色列人已然離開海床, 全部踏上高高的岸邊.
就在這一瞬間, 大軍腳下的海床, 發生劇烈的轉變, 又恢復為原本濕軟的爛泥, 竟使馬車轉向輪打滑, 甚至斷裂無法前行; 馬蹄也陷入深厚泥濘, 舉步維艱.
就這樣整個埃及大軍全陷於紅海海床上, 正當進退兩難之際, 神關閉了摩西所分開的紅海, 致使大軍瞬間全軍覆沒.
以色列人在 神的領導和保護之下, 有驚無險的離開埃及, 也終於脫離在埃及為奴的日子, 對於剛剛重新獲得自由的他們, 眼前卻又陷入另一個困境, 因為紅海的這一頭是塊巨大的沙漠, 缺少足夠的糧食和飲用水, 尤其是男女老少都還帶著一大群的牲畜- 這些都等著水和食物來餵飽他們和它們的胃.
有族人在四週探詢, 發現不遠處有水源, 極度乾渴的他們, 趕忙趨前取水入口, 卻是苦澀難以入喉, 根本就喝不得.
眾人呼天喊地的叫著摩西的名, 摩西無法可施, 也只能跟著哭喊耶和華的名祈求, 神指示一些樹木給摩西看, 並指示他把樹木砍斷, 丟擲到水裡頭, 那水就可以喝了.
摩西遵照指示, 砍了些樹幹丟進水裡, 說也奇怪, 水自然就變得潔淨又清甜, 大大的好喝了起來. 就這樣解決了飲用水的問題, 後來還發現到共有十二處的水源, 以及由七十棵棕櫚樹所形成的綠廊帶, 供給大家一個蔭涼的休息場所.
只是不久之後, 他們發現這實在是一個, 很難生產糧食的巨大沙漠, 所以造成他們的糧食相當的短缺, 為生存不得不想法轉移居住陣地.
神為我們擬定了計畫, 提供我們足夠的食物, 縱然是像這麼大一群人和牲口所需要的糧, 雖然絕非尋常, 但是 神依然會為我們- 祂的子女準備妥當. 接下來談的就是十六章裡的內容:
神 將 眷 顧 妳 God will take care of you.
出埃及記 Exodus 16:4-8; 12
4 耶和華對摩西說、我要將糧食從天降給你們、百姓可以出去、每天收每天的分、我好試驗他們遵不遵我的法度。
Then the LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.
5 到第六天他們要把所收進來的豫備好了、比每天所收的多一倍。
On the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days."
6 摩西亞倫對以色列眾人說、到了晚上、你們要知道是耶和華將你們從埃及地領出來的.
So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, "In the evening you will know that it was the LORD who brought you out of Egypt,
7 早晨、你們要看見耶和華的榮耀、因為耶和華聽見你們向他所發的怨言了.我們算甚麼、你們竟向我們發怨言呢。
and in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, because he has heard your grumbling against him. Who are we, that you should grumble against us?"
8 摩西又說、耶和華晚上必給你們肉喫、早晨必給你們食物得飽、因為你們向耶和華發的怨言、他都聽見了.我們算甚麼、你們的怨言不是向我們發的、乃是向耶和華發的。
Moses also said, "You will know that it was the LORD when he gives you meat to eat in the evening and all the bread you want in the morning, because he has heard your grumbling against him. Who are we? You are not grumbling against us, but against the LORD."
12 我已經聽見以色列人的怨言.你告訴他們說、到黃昏的時候、你們要喫肉、早晨必有食物得飽、你們就知道我是耶和華你們的 神。
"I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, 'At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God.'"
好的, 請接著看以下章節:
出埃及記 Exodus 13-16
13 到了晚上、有鵪鶉飛來、遮滿了營.早晨在營四圍的地上有露水、
That evening quail came and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp.
14 露水上升之後、不料、野地面上有如白霜的小圓物。
When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor.
15 以色列人看見、不知道是甚麼、就彼此對問說、這是甚麼呢.摩西對他們說、這就是耶和華給你們喫的食物。
When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, "What is it?" For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, "It is the bread the LORD has given you to eat.
16 耶和華所吩咐的是這樣.你們要按著各人的飯量、為帳棚裡的人按著人數收起來、各拿一俄梅珥。
This is what the LORD has commanded: 'Each one is to gather as much as he needs. Take an omer for each person you have in your tent.'"
這裡我們看到了 神給予祂們誡命, 要求祂們遵守. 再繼續讀下去:
出埃及記 Exodus 16-21; 22-28; 31
16 耶和華所吩咐的是這樣.你們要按著各人的飯量、為帳棚裡的人按著人數收起來、各拿一俄梅珥。
This is what the LORD has commanded: 'Each one is to gather as much as he needs. Take an omer for each person you have in your tent.'"
17 以色列人就這樣行、有多收的、有少收的。
The Israelites did as they were told; some gathered much, some little.
18 及至用俄梅珥量一量、多收的也沒有餘、少收的也沒有缺、各人按著自己的飯量收取。
And when they measured it by the omer, he who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little. Each one gathered as much as he needed.
19 摩西對他們說、所收的、不許甚麼人留到早晨。
Then Moses said to them, "No one is to keep any of it until morning."
20 然而他們不聽摩西的話、內中有留到早晨的、就生蟲變臭了.摩西便向他們發怒。
However, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell. So Moses was angry with them.
21 他們每日早晨、按著各人的飯量收取、日頭一發熱、就消化了。
Each morning everyone gathered as much as he needed, and when the sun grew hot, it melted away.
這裡另為解釋誡命, 是要他們收取食物, 只要夠每一天的量就好, 不可多取儲存備用, 因為第二天 神將供給他們比今天還多的食物. 可是, 就有人不聽命、不守戒令, 因為祂們對耶和華沒有信心. 不過接下來, 因為是週六, 卻是要他們拿取雙倍的分量, 因為隔天是安息日. 神不會供應他們食物, 還要將吃剩的留到明天取用.
22 到第六天、他們收了雙倍的食物、每人兩俄梅珥.會眾的官長來告訴摩西。
On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much--two omers for each person--and the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses.
23 摩西對他們說、耶和華這樣說、明天是聖安息日、是向耶和華守的聖安息日、你們要烤的就烤了、要煮的就煮了、所剩下的都留到早晨。
He said to them, "This is what the LORD commanded: 'Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.'"
24 他們就照摩西的吩咐留到早晨、也不臭、裡頭也沒有蟲子。
So they saved it until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it.
25 摩西說、你們今天喫這個罷、因為今天是向耶和華守的安息日.你們在田野必找不著了。
"Eat it today," Moses said, "because today is a Sabbath to the LORD. You will not find any of it on the ground today.
26 六天可以收取、第七天乃是安息日、那一天必沒有了。
Six days you are to gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any."
27 第七天百姓中有人出去收、甚麼也找不著。
Nevertheless, some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather it, but they found none.
28 耶和華對摩西說、你們不肯守我的誡命和律法、要到幾時呢。
Then the LORD said to Moses, "How long will you refuse to keep my commands and my instructions?
31 這食物、以色列家叫嗎哪.樣子像芫荽子、顏色是白的、滋味如同攙蜜的薄餅。
The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.
(“嗎哪”, 很像是我們現在所說的楓糖鬆餅.)
在這裡, 我又發現到另一個真正有趣的地方, 那就是雖然我們不明瞭是什麼原因, 但是, 如果你拿取太多食物想留過夜, 它要不是溶化了, 就是壞掉了, 根本是留不住刻意多拿的東西; 可是, 如果是安息日前所允許拿取的雙份, 正因為安息日當天沒有食物可領取, 所以都不會有事.
這不是一個很有趣的現象嗎? 而這樣的情況, 其實是 神持續供給逃離埃及, 重獲自由的以色列人, 在荒野生活了四十年的寫照.
可是, 對於這樣的照顧, 以色列人不僅沒有感謝的心, 更不遵守耶和華給予的誡律, 雖然如此, 神依舊愛護、眷顧他們, 還想引導他們去迦南的“應許之地”定居, 就因為他們不遵守誡律而作罷.
神愛世人, 也供給我們日常生活之所需. 可是, 你若不遵守誡律, 就不能前往“應許之地”- 也就是我們習慣所說的:擁有永恆生命的 “錫安世界”. 這就是今天的第一個見證案例.
接著提到的是第二個見證的案例, 是關於在列王記上所記載一位 神的僕人的事跡; 我們翻閱到第十七章, 我先略述一下故事背景:
以色列曾經有一位屈指可數的邪惡國王, 名為亞哈, 不幸的是他又娶了一個殘酷的女人- 耶西別為妻, 因為耶西別的關係, 亞哈更不守誡律, 也敬拜一如‘巴力’的偶像.
耶西別對於敬畏耶和華的以色列人, 非常的痛恨並抵制他們的行為, 甚至捕捉 神的使者- 先知們, 肆意凌虐或處死他們; 先知們為了傳道保住性命, 不得不逃往附近山區的岩洞躲藏起來.
也許有人已經聽過, 沒有關係, 就當做是再溫習一次; 話說亞哈王治理期間, 有一位偉大的先知- 以利亞, 他生活在約旦河邊的基列地區, 為民請命來到亞哈王的面前說:我指著所事奉永生耶和華以色列的 神起誓、這幾年我若不禱告、必不降露不下雨。
說完快如旋風的轉身走人. 因他已然接到耶和華的指示, 命他前往與約旦河同源的基立溪畔安身立命, 躲藏一陣子.同時間會有烏鴉, 每日為他叼來必需食物裹腹.
列王記上 1 Kings 17:1-7
1 基列寄居的提斯比人以利亞、對亞哈說、我指著所事奉永生耶和華以色列的 神起誓、這幾年我若不禱告、必不降露不下雨。
Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word."
2 耶和華的話臨到以利亞說、
Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah:
3 你離開這裡、往東去、藏在約但河東邊的基立溪旁。
"Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan.
4 你要喝那溪裡的水.我已吩咐烏鴉在那裡供養你。
You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there."
5 於是以利亞照著耶和華的話、去住在約但河東的基立溪旁。
So he did what the LORD had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there.
6 烏鴉早晚給他叼餅、和肉來.他也喝那溪裡的水。
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.
7 過了些日子、溪水就乾了、因為雨沒有下在地上。
Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.
以上章節恰好是我剛剛提到的故事內容, 說的就是先知以利亞遵從耶和華的誡令, 躲藏在無人的基立溪畔, 渴了可以啜飲溪水, 餓了自有烏鴉叼來食物充飢.
就這樣, 烏鴉叼銜麵包和肉屑, 日復一日不停頓, 因為以利亞曾在亞哈王的面前起誓、這幾年若不禱告、必不降露不下雨, 所以雨露一滴也沒有, 眼見溪水逐漸乾涸. 這也是今天第二個見證案例.
列王記上 1 Kings 17:10-16
10 以利亞就起身往撒勒法去、到了城門、見有一個寡婦在那裡撿柴.以利亞呼叫他、說、求你用器皿取點水來給我喝。
So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and asked, "Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?"
11 他去取水的時候、以利亞又呼叫他、說、也求你拿點餅來給我。
As she was going to get it, he called, "And bring me, please, a piece of bread."
12 他說、我指著永生耶和華你的 神起誓、我沒有餅、罈內只有一把麵、瓶裡只有一點油.我現在找兩根柴、回家要為我和我兒子作餅.我們喫了、死就死罷。
"As surely as the LORD your God lives," she replied, "I don't have any bread--only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it--and die."
13 以利亞對他說、不要懼怕.可以照你所說的去作罷.只要先為我作一個小餅、拿來給我、然後為你和你的兒子作餅。
Elijah said to her, "Don't be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son.
14 因為耶和華以色列的 神如此說、罈內的麵必不減少、瓶裡的油必不缺短、直到耶和華使雨降在地上的日子。
For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land.'"
15 婦人就照以利亞的話去行.他和他家中的人、並以利亞、喫了許多日子。
She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family.
16 罈內的麵果不減少、瓶裡的油也不缺短、正如耶和華藉以利亞所說的話。
For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah.
溪裡的水終於乾了, 耶和華告知以利亞起身前往一個名叫撒勒法的城市, 將有一位寡婦照應他. 於是他再次聽命耶和華的指示, 動身前往撒勒法城.
在那裡找到正在檢拾枯枝當柴火燒的寡婦, 趨身向前說:我請求妳用器皿裝一些水給我喝吧, 並請帶塊麵包來吧! 婦人說:我沒有麵包, 只有瓶底一些麵粉, 和殘存的一丁點的油, 我和孩子還要靠這過日子呢!
以利亞告訴她耶和華所應允的事, 就是他和她們在一起過日子的時間內, 絕不會讓她的穀糧斷炊、燈油用罄; 她相信以利亞的神, 於是用僅有的麵粉和著殘存的油, 幫以利亞和她和孩子做了餅來吃, 可是不管她怎麼使用麵粉和油, 每次剛用過就又剩下一些….
以上三個見證實例, 容我再重複一次:
第一, 餵飽在荒野求生凡四十年之久的以色列人民
第二, 以利亞隱身在深山洞穴裡數年之久, 飲食不間斷
第三, 寡婦和她兒子, 因以利亞的到來, 免於飢荒之災厄
所以, 我們發現到遵守耶和華誡命的, 在乾旱未解除之前, 耶和華會眷顧祂的子女, 一直到下雨來臨之時; 相信只要我們遵守祂的誡命, 主一樣會眷顧我們的. 不是嗎?
今天, 我們又發現了美好的訊息, 希望這樣的訊息對妳們有所幫助, 同時它提醒我的就是, 我可以依靠 神, 使我再次確信長久以來, 我成為 神的子女和一個僕人的立場, 一切都是值得的.
(Those Who Came: Paul Lin; Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Ray Chen; Sharon Wu; Judy Chen; Jimmy Hsu; Roger Hsiao)(Ruby Chen)
(Stenographer: Susan Shelton) (Interpreter: Paul Lin)
(Skype to: Frank Van Fleet; <Moellmann> Matthew, Jai-yu, Joshua; <Lade> Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, David, Anna, Joseph; Elizabeth Woodward; <Henson> Stephen, Kelvin; Maggie, Sasha, Uncel)
今天是 Kelvin 的生日, 課後大家唱了兩次的生日快樂歌, 還是中、英各一次哩, 真是“猴賽雷”啊!
出埃及記 Exodus 13
1 耶和華曉諭摩西說、
The LORD said to Moses,
2 以色列中凡頭生的、無論是人是牲畜、都是我的、要分別為聖歸我。
"Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether man or animal."
3 摩西對百姓說、你們要記念從埃及為奴之家出來的這日、因為耶和華用大能的手將你們從這地方領出來.有酵的餅都不可喫。
Then Moses said to the people, "Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the LORD brought you out of it with a mighty hand. Eat nothing containing yeast.
4 亞筆月間的這日、是你們出來的日子。
Today, in the month of Abib, you are leaving.
5 將來耶和華領你進迦南人、赫人、亞摩利人、希未人、耶布斯人之地、就是他向你的祖宗起誓應許給你那流奶與蜜之地、那時你要在這月間守這禮。
When the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Hivites and Jebusites--the land he swore to your forefathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey--you are to observe this ceremony in this month:
6 你要喫無酵餅七日、到第七日要向耶和華守節。
For seven days eat bread made without yeast and on the seventh day hold a festival to the LORD.
7 這七日之久、要喫無酵餅、在你四境之內不可見有酵的餅、也不可見發酵的物。
Eat unleavened bread during those seven days; nothing with yeast in it is to be seen among you, nor shall any yeast be seen anywhere within your borders.
8 當那日、你要告訴你的兒子說、這是因耶和華在我出埃及的時候為我所行的事。
On that day tell your son, 'I do this because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.'
9 這要在你手上作記號、在你額上作紀念、使耶和華的律法常在你口中、因為耶和華曾用大能的手將你從埃及領出來。
This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that the law of the LORD is to be on your lips. For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.
10 所以你每年要按著日期守這例。
You must keep this ordinance at the appointed time year after year.
11 將來耶和華照他向你和你祖宗所起的誓、將你領進迦南人之地、把這地賜給你、
"After the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites and gives it to you, as he promised on oath to you and your forefathers,
12 那時你要將一切頭生的、並牲畜中頭生的、歸給耶和華.公的都要屬耶和華。
you are to give over to the LORD the first offspring of every womb. All the firstborn males of your livestock belong to the LORD.
13 凡頭生的驢、你要用羊羔代贖、若不代贖、就要打折他的頸項.凡你兒子中頭生的都要贖出來。
Redeem with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem every firstborn among your sons.
14 日後、你的兒子問你說、這是甚麼意思、你就說、耶和華用大能的手將我們從埃及為奴之家領出來。
"In days to come, when your son asks you, 'What does this mean?' say to him, 'With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
15 那時法老幾乎不容我們去、耶和華就把埃及地所有頭生的、無論是人是牲畜、都殺了、因此我把一切頭生的公牲畜獻給耶和華為祭、但將頭生的兒子都贖出來。
When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD killed every firstborn in Egypt, both man and animal. This is why I sacrifice to the LORD the first male offspring of every womb and redeem each of my firstborn sons.'
16 這要在你手上作記號、在你額上作經文、因為耶和華用大能的手將我們從埃及領出來。
And it will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the LORD brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand."
17 法老容百姓去的時候、非利士地的道路雖近、 神卻不領他們從那裡走、因為 神說、恐怕百姓遇見打仗後悔、就回埃及去。
When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, "If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt."
18 所以 神領百姓繞道而行、走紅海曠野的路.以色列人出埃及地、都帶著兵器上去。
So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle.
19 摩西把約瑟的骸骨一同帶去、因為約瑟曾叫以色列人嚴嚴的起誓、對他們說、 神必眷顧你們、你們要把我的骸骨從這裡一同帶上去。
Moses took the bones of Joseph with him because Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath. He had said, "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place."
20 他們從疏割起行、在曠野邊的以倘安營。
After leaving Succoth they camped at Etham on the edge of the desert.
21 日間耶和華在雲柱中領他們的路、夜間在火柱中光照他們、使他們日夜都可以行走.
By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.
22 日間雲柱、夜間火柱、總不離開百姓的面前。
Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.