
The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission

April 17th, 2016 給與受 Give and Accept

(牧師 瑞克 Pastor Rick Lade)

今天, 我不想引經據典, 但是, 我們會朗讀一、兩章見證書裡的文章, 等等先頌唱幾首藍本詩歌後, 我們再來討論聖經裡有關給與受也就是施給接受的部分.

路加福音 Luke 6:38

38 你們要給人、就必有給你們的.

Give, and it will be given to you.

我們先翻閱見證黃皮書, “船長這一篇, 其實它和後面那一篇來自船長的幫助”, 幾乎是同一時間, 在不同地點發生的, 看似無關聯的兩件事, 但是, 我告訴各位, 其實這是  神愛世人, 且垂聽世人禱告的一體兩面, 真實的見證的事件.

見證黃皮書 (P.7-8)

船長The Sea Captain

住在緬因州的喬治諾頓, 曾經是悠遊大海的船長. 他和水手們, 常常面對狂風巨浪, 說實在是都沒有在怕的- 個個都是硬漢.

有一天, 船泊靠在岸邊, 喬治聽到一個福音訊息, 他隱隱地感覺到聖靈在作動, 期望他結合教會的力量, 只是他怎樣都想不到, 該如何用愛心, 和他的船員們, 一起去完成聖靈所託付的任務.

喬治的太太, 一直希望他把起床前嚼煙草, 和起床後吸煙斗的習慣戒掉, 但是他就是下不了決心改變.

這一天, 海面上風平浪靜, 水手們在甲板上工作著, 喬治剛好思索聖靈交代的任務, 對他是否有什麼影響. 於是, 這海上男兒開始禱告, 如果 神幫忙他把吸煙斗和嚼煙草的習慣給戒掉, 他就會認為這是 神給他的啟示.

第二天一早, 起床後來到甲板上, 接手輪值航行瞭望, 幾乎是在那一瞬間, 他忽然想起今早起床後, 他並沒有嚼煙草也沒吸煙斗. 而且當他想到這事和煙草時, 他趕緊跑到船舷邊, 好遏止想嘔吐的不適感.

這樣一來, 當船回到岸邊時, 喬治馬上去找到復原教會, 請求施洗禮. 且喬治把受洗得救的意義, 以相當認真的態度去面對, 使他得以得到一個嶄新的生命.

喜愛他的人因此也越來越多, 包括那些長年被他吆喝來吆喝去的水手們, 這是他這輩子認為不可能會發生的事; 現在水手們都很樂意, 冒著危險, 在風雨中爬上溼滑的桅杆上, 降下那一面風帆, 就只因為喬治已經喜愛他們了.

後來喬治船長還被召喚當上長老, 有一天傍晚, 他剛返抵家門, 看到他太太和子女們, 齊聚一堂; 此時聖靈的聲音臨到他身上, 要他不要進門家, 並準備一些生活必需品, 馬上前往一座小島, 因為有一戶人家, 正面臨無以為炊的生死存亡的關頭.

喬治心裡老大不高興, 因為他在海上工作, 已經有兩個禮拜沒回家了, 他真的很想待在家裡陪陪家人. 雖然他心裡很嘔, 可是他依然遵照聖靈的聲音指示, 往街上走去, 購買一些長靴、鞋子和日常生活必需品.

喬治船長借來一條划槳的船, 帶上所採購的物品, 馬上啟程前往小島. 那一晚, 在黑暗中, 藉由聖靈的引導, 他經歷許多礁岩密佈危險的水域, 可是他一點都不感到畏怯, 因為他知道這一切都是 神刻意的安排.

喬治終於找到那一家已無糧斷炊的家庭, 及時的把長靴、鞋子和生活必需品, 送達並完成使命. 那一家人對他的出現除了喜出望外, 更是感謝  神適時伸手的救溺之情, 感恩再三.

Testimony Yellow Book (P.7-8)

The Sea Captain

George Knowlton was a tough sea captain who lived in Maine. When he ordered his men to perform the most difficult task, they responded out of fear.

While on shore one day this tough man heard the gospel message. He felt the promptings of God's spirit and wanted to unite with His church, yet he was unable to reason how he could fit into this life. He could not see how he could be a captain of a ship and get his men to respond to his orders by love.

His wife wanted him to quit using tobacco, but he could not. George bit off a chew of tobacco before he was out of bed each morning. When he was up, he smoked his pipe.

One day at sea it was calm, and the men were down below. The captain began thinking of the gospel and how the minister's words had affected him.  This tough man prayed.  He promised the Lord that if He would help him quit his tobacco habit. George would take it as a sign that this was His gospel.

Next morning he arose and went about his work. He was on deck and steering the ship, when all of a sudden he realized that he had forgotten to take his chew of tobacco and also to smoke. Whenever George thought of tobacco, he had to go to the edge of the boat and vomit.

When George got back to shore, he looked up the minister of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and asked for baptism.  After his baptism he took his religion seriously. It brought about a complete change to his life. People grew to love him.  Even his crew learned to love him, a thing he had never thought possible before.  They would climb up the slippery mast in the storms and risk their lives to take down the sails because of his actions towards them.

Eventually George Knowlton was called to be an elder. One evening he arrived home and was about to enter the gate to go in and see his wife and family. The Spirit of God spoke to him and told him not to go into the house. It said to go to an island where a needy family lived and take supplies to them.

George felt reluctant to obey. He had been out at sea for two weeks, and he wanted to be at home with his family. But after the second promptings, he followed the leadings of Spirit. Walking downtown he purchased some hip boots, shoes and groceries, as he felt impressed to do.

George then borrowed a rowboat and started out for the island. That night he went over some very treacherous water. Yet George crossed in the dark, being led by the Spirit of God. The rocks under the shallow water held no fear for him because he was on a mission for the Lord.

George found that the boots, shoes, and food were really needed by the family. They all rejoiced together that God had sent him to them.

使徒行傳 Acts 20:35

35 施比受更為有福.

'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

接著的故事是來自船長的幫助”, 也就是剛剛所說的, 雖然是不同地點, 卻是在同一時間所發生的真實情況.

見證黃皮書 (P.9-11)


艾德和妮爾住在緬因州一處離岸的小島上, 因為冬季刮起的風暴, 使得艾德有一段時間, 無法使用他的小漁船, 出海打魚. 眼看家中就要斷糧了, 慘的是取暖的煤炭也即將用罄.

艾德難過的看著他的子女們, 上床睡覺前總是餓著肚子. 他們也常手牽手圍成一圈禱告, 祈求得到幫助. 第二天, 天氣看起來和緩許多, 艾德決定出海去看看先前的龍蝦誘籠, 興許會有所收穫.

於是坐上只容一人的小舟, 簡單的帆布高掛在桅杆上, 一根大棍子權充是橫槓, 把帆的底部撐開來, 好接受風的吹力.

正當艾德拉起他的龍蝦誘籠時, 一陣突如其至的風吹來, 吹著風帆使它搖擺起來, 而那個橫槓不偏不倚的, 正好打到艾德的後腦袋, 力量之大使艾德隨即掉入冰冷的海水中. 雖然後腦袋受到撞擊頭痛欲裂, 但是冰冷的海水, 反而使他清醒過來. 他瞥見他的小漁船, 遠遠的正朝著相反方向漂流出去.

此時防寒的大衣和沉重的靴子, 反倒令他動彈不得, 無法游向小漁船. 他深知除非有奇蹟出現, 否則正面臨死亡威脅的他, 恐難以脫身. 當他開始往下沉的時候, 艾德大聲呼喊著主的名求救; 求祂憐憫還有餘生, 可以為他的家人再奮鬥.

不久, 他就發現到小漁船, 已經在他身邊一手之遙處漂流, 費盡千辛萬苦, 使出全身的力量, 終於爬到船上了. 旋即冷冽的空氣, 使他溼冷的衣褲, 幾乎瞬間凍成冰棍, 而一隻靴子也不知去向了, 但是艾德提醒自己, 必須儘快的回到岸上, 否則他將馬上被凍死.

雖然冷冽的空氣, 吹得他冷到骨子裡, 他還是感謝剛好有這一陣強風把帆吹起, 正好往岸邊靠攏; 當他抵達家門打開房門時, 他依稀仍然聽到孩子們的禱告聲, 以及祈求得到食物的許願.

 “爸爸回來了, 爸爸回來了他耳邊響起女兒們的驚叫聲, 隨著驚叫聲, 打斷了其他人祈禱的聲音, 個個帶著期待的心情, 飛奔迎接爸爸的來歸.

爸爸, 龍蝦呢? 在哪裡?” 珍開口第一個就問, 緊接著蘇也問:爸爸, 你沒有打到魚啊?” 語氣中, 似乎透著幾許的失望. 同一時間, 妮爾也挨近到門邊, 她問到艾德, 出了什麼事, 快把凍僵的衣褲換下”.

不久之後, 全家人懷著複雜的心情, 圍坐在簡陋房間裡的舊火爐旁. 正在慶幸他們的父親, 歷劫又平安歸來, 可是不爭氣的肚子, 還是咕嚕咕嚕的叫著- 好餓喔. 他們也明白爸爸, 暫時是無法出門打魚了, 因為他少了一隻靴子可穿出門, 而他們根本沒有多餘的錢來買靴子.

可想而知, 他們的問題, 已大到生死交關, 根本無力解決. 只能一心仰望依靠 . 所以, 全家跪拜在地禱告, 祈求 神的幫助. 過沒多久, 就聽到門外有人正在敲門, 沒錯, 那正是喬治諾頓船長, 就站在門外卸下他所帶來的貨物. “這裡有一些東西是要給你們一家人的喬治接著說 是聖靈告訴我, 你們很需要這些補給品.

進來吧, 船長”. 艾德回答船長說我們相隔那麼遠, 你是怎麼知道我們的困境呢?” 船長回應說我只能說是聖靈驅使我前來的, 除非我完成這個使命, 要不然我是無法得到休息的.”

充滿感激的眼淚, 濡濕了妮爾的雙眼, 她正在桌面檢視那男人送給她們的食物清單. 心裡想那裡有一大袋的食物, 終於可以不愁孩子們, 會再空著肚子上床睡覺了.

喬治隨後把一袋物品, 親手拿給艾德, 那裡面是一雙嶄新的靴子. 一下腦袋放空的艾德, 以激動的情緒對喬治說船長, 你永遠不會知道, 你今天為我們所做的每一件事, 對我們來說, 是有多麼重要的意義.

正巧, 我剛在海裡丟失了一隻靴子, 而且我們已經沒有糧食, 似乎也無處去尋找食物來源.” 船長回答說我很感激聖靈臨到我的指示, 如果你還是有缺少什麼的, 記得來找我, 我們本就應該要互相幫忙的.”

Testimony Yellow Book (P.9-11)

The Captain's Help

Ed and Nell lived on an island off the coast of Maine. Because of many storms during the winter Ed had been unable to go out in his little fishing boat. Their food was gone, and they were almost out of coal.

It was hard for Ed to see his girls go to bed hungry. They met in thier family circle, and each one prayed earnestly for help.  The next day the weather was more favorable, so Ed decided to check his lobster traps.  His boat could carry only one man, so he went alone.

One sail was attached to a tall mast. A big stick at the bottom called a boom was used to stretch out the sail.

As Ed was pulling up his lobster trap, a gust of wind caught the sail and caused it to swing out.  The boom hit Ed a powerful blow on the back of his head and caused him to fall unconscious into the icy water.  The cold water revived him, but the back of his head hurt dreadfully.  He looked for his fishing boat, only to discover that it was far from him and going in the opposite direction.

The heavy oiled clothes and hip boots made it impossible for him to swim. He knew he was facing death.  Nothing but a miracle could save his life.  As he began to sink, Ed cried out to God, asking Him to spare his life so that he could provide for his family.

The next thing he knew, he was at the side of the boat with one hand over it.  With difficulty Ed managed to climb into the boat.  As quickly as the cold air hit, his clothing froze stiff. One boot was missing.  Ed knew he must get home immediately or he would freeze to death.

He was thankful of that the strong wind caught the sail and sent him homeward, even though the cold air chilled his bones. As he opened the door, he heard his children praying for him and for food.

“He's here, daddy is here!” His youngest daughter’s cry brought the prayer to an abrupt end. Both children ran expectantly.

“Daddy, where are the lobsters?” Jane was the first to ask. “Didn't you get any fish, Daddy?” Sue’s happy expression faded into disappointment.

By this time Nell had reached the door. “Ed! What happened? Get those frozen clothes off quickly,” she said.

Later the family sat with mixed feeling s around the old stove in the shabby room. There was joy because their father was home safely, but they were still hungry.  They knew their father could not go fishing again because they had no money to buy another pair of boots.

Their problem was much too large for them to solve alone. They would have to depend on God. Again the family knelt in prayer, asking for divine assistance.

Soon there was a knock at the door. Captain George Knowlton stood there loaded down with bundles. “Here are a few things for your family, Ed,” he said. “Something told me you needed these.”

“Do come in Captain,” Ed replied. “Our situation is desperate. How did you know?” “I can only explain it as the Spirit of God moving on me,” he answered. “I could find no rest until I complied with its promptings.”

There was a large bag filled with food. The children would not have to go to bed hungry after all.  Tears of gratitude filled Nell's eyes as she watched the men the set the content of the sack on the table.

Then George handed Ed a package containing a pair of hip boots. For a moment Ed was overcome with emotion. “Captain,” he finally said, “you will never know what you've done for us today. I just lost one of my boots in the sea. We were without food and saw no way of getting any.”

“I am very glad I followed the promptings of the Spirit that come to me,” George replied. “If you need help again, come to me. We are here to help each other.”

省話一哥的牧師瑞克, 唸完見證書, 就問大家有沒有問題, 聽到沒有的回應, 就說唱一首詩歌後, 就下課還真是有點不一樣的, 不是嗎?

(Those Who Came: Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Judy Chen; Paul Lin; Sharon Wu)(Ruby Chen)

(Stenographer: Susan Shelton)(Interpreter: Paul Lin)

(Skype to : <Lade> Rick, Nancy, Sarah, David, Anna, Joseph; <Moellmann> Matthew, Jai-yu, Joshua; Frank Van Fleet; Elizabeth Woodward)


P.S 1

牧師馬太左手掛在三角巾上, 原來是才動完左肩韌帶的小手術, 後來又聽說他兒子約書亞, 左腳因打球也受傷, 也要動個小手術, 真是不平靜的一天. 在此祝他倆早日康復.

Testimony Yellow Book (1)(P.7-8)

The Sea Captain

Testimony Yellow Book (2)(P.9-11)

The Captain's Help



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