
The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission

November 6th, 2016 Faith

(牧師瑞克 Pastor Rick Lade)

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"聽得見聲音嗎? 看得到我們嗎?” 牧師瑞克忙著調整影音, 為電視主日學做最好的準備. 我們先來唱幾首詩歌讚頌主. 再請牧師馬太領我們做課前禱告. (祝福各位教友, 不管有沒有出席的, 大家身體都安康, 所有不適感, 早早得到療癒)

以下是教義與聖約裡的課材, 名為信心的講義, 我上次聽Eric 說你們有中文版的教義與聖約, (是有沒錯, 可是還沒有包括這部分. 況且, 我們連英文版的信心的講義也沒有…) 那我今天就先唸過帶過, 下回再把教材補給你們.


(D&C) 信心的講義 Lectures of Faith 6:7e-f

[ 6:7e] 當一個人為了真理而獻出所有的一切,甚至不抑制祂的生命,並相信在神面前,祂被召喚做這樣的犧牲,因為祂試圖貫徹祂的旨意,祂確切地知道, 上帝確實願意接受祂的獻祭和祭物,因祂沒有也不會違背耶和華的旨意。

[Lec 6:7e] When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice, because he seeks to do his will, he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he has not nor will not seek his face in vain.

[ 6:7f]在這種情況下,他可以獲得必要的信心,使他能夠掌握永生。

[Lec 6:7f] Under these circumstances then, he can obtain the faith necessary for him to lay hold on eternal life.


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阿爾瑪書 Alma 16:211; 210; 215

211 沒有任何一個人可以犧牲他自己的血來贖另外一個人的罪。

211 Now there is not any man that can sacrifice his own blood, which will atone for the sins of another.

210 因為必須有一種偉大而最後的犧牲;不是一種人的犧牲,不是野獸的犧牲,也不是任何一種飛禽的犧牲;因為那決不會是一種人類的犧牲;而必須是一種無限永恒的犧牲。

210 For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice: but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

215 這就是那律法的全部意義,每一點都是指示著那偉大而最後的犧牲;那偉大而最後的犧牲將是 神的兒子,無限而永恆;因此他要把救恩帶給所有相信他的名的人們。

215 And behold, this is the whole meaning of the law; every whit pointing to that great and last sacrifice; and that great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God; yea, infinite and eternal; and thus he shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name;


42837.jpg 弟兄 Kelvin 有心想來台灣發展.

紅色見證本85 印地安人的信心

Faith of the Indians (Red P.85)

修伯特凱斯, 總是說印第安人有一種奇特的信心. 他有一次去原住民區佈道, 就見證了一個醫治好的奇蹟.

一次的機會裡, 修伯特和他的兄弟奧斯卡, 來到印地安人保護區佈道. 在佈道結束時, 一個小男孩告訴他說, 他媽媽生病了, 身體很虛弱. 她也是復原教會的教友, 希望他們能前往她家, 為她祈福靈療的儀式. 修伯特和奧斯卡, 於是隨著小男孩, 走了一小段路來到一間傳統納瓦霍人小屋.(木條泥(草)屋)

門口是塊帆布簾幕, 掀起帆布簾, 長老們都需弓著身體才能進去, 儘管他們也都不是很高個的. 陸續的彎著腰進入了小屋, 修伯特直覺的感覺到, 耶和華的聖靈就在他身旁, 且是第一個進入小屋的.

聖靈拂過婦女, 那婦女竟然就如大病痊癒般的坐了起來. 直到現在, 神職人員想要祈福靈療的手, 都還沒有觸碰到那生病的婦女呢. 事後, 那印地安婦人說, 聽到有人進到屋裡來, 當她抬頭往上看時, 就剛好看到那個人- 耶和華!

因為她如此強烈的信心, 使她幾乎是即刻痊癒的.

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Faith of the Indians 

Hubert Case often said that the Indians have an extraordinary faith, he testified when he administered to the native Americans, it was a miracle if they were not healed.

On one occasion, Hubert and his brother Oscar had been preaching to the Indians, at the close of Hubert 's sermon, a little boy came up and told him his mother was very, very sick. She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and she wanted them to come and administer to her. Hubert and Oscar followed this little boy for some time until they came to a little hogan.

A canvas covered the door as the little lad threw it back, the elders had to duck to enter the door, even though they were both short men. 

As they stooped down to go into the Hogan, Hubert said that he literally felt the Spirit of God brush right by him, entering the hogan first. That Spirit went over and settled upon the woman, and she was healed instantly! The ministers never even had to lay their hands upon her. 

The Indians woman said that when she looked up and saw those men of God, her faith was so strong that she was immediately healed.

還記得長老丹, 在靜修夏令營時提到有關風的說法嗎? 他說聖靈就像是一陣風, 縱使你看不到, 但是你時時刻刻, 可以感覺到它的存在, 這也是長老修伯特當時的感覺.


藍色見證本55-56 颶風轉向了

The Hurricane Turned (Blue P.55-56)

居住在佛羅里達州, 邁阿密市的居民, 從收音機裡傳來令人戰慄的新聞, 開始為窗戶加上擋風的門板, 以防止撲向她們家鄉而來的, 將造成無數災害的颶風做準備.

因為他們即將面對的, 是一個史上最為可怕的超級颶風. 風速表記錄著240浬的時速, 而大氣壓也低到一個不行, 無形壓力的壟罩, 直讓人覺得喘不過氣來.

持續不斷的預警, 和來自於播報員的提醒, 人們開始疏散病患, 從醫院轉往較安全、堅固的大樓. 大家盡可能的去做所有已知的防災工作, 因為他們知道所面對的, 將會是引起一場災難性的巨大風暴.

教會的某些教友, 他們居住在緊鄰河堤邊的簡陋房屋, 其中有一戶只有兩房的小屋, 卻擠進全家共十三口人. 他們都選了些灌木欉, 把房子給牢牢的纏繞住, 就怕房子被颶風給吹走了. 這些窮困的教友, 紛紛前往小教堂祈求禱告. 他們向  神禱告, 祈求颶風可以轉向, 不要毀壞這城市的任一部份.

眼看著颶風的進展神速, 播報員連珠砲似的轟擊這些河堤邊的房屋. 他叫喊著風暴行進的速度和位置, 逐步逼進中. 然而, 十分突然的, 播報員回報說, 等等! 等等! 我們不知道發生了什麼事, 但是, 你們先聽我說! 停下來別再動了! 那颶風顯然已經是在停頓的狀態了. (沒有再往前推進)

十五分鐘過後, 他又說了, 這樣一來颶風, 真的是沒有再往前移動了. 我們真的無法明白為什麼! 或許是它正在水面上盤旋, 凝聚它的新動能. 如果真的是這樣子, 那完了, 整個城市都將毀於一旦. 這真的是件罕見的事, 已然超越我們的理解能力.

又過了十五分鐘後, 他又說了, 我想我們可以寬心了, 因為颶風正在轉向, ­而且是轉往海面上的方向前進了. 這樣一來, 它將摧毀的可就只是沙灘上的棕櫚樹, 而不是這個城市了.

如此又過了十五分鐘後, 他又說了, 是的! 颶風已經轉向了, 它已經完全的轉往海面上去了.

隔週的佈道會上, 神職人員驚嘆不已的說, 我們完全不知道到底發生了什麼事, 那來自加勒比海面的颶風, 眼看著就要橫掃邁阿密城市, 如果讓它肆無忌憚的襲來, 這城市恐將無法留下來一牆半瓦的.

因為那實在是一個從未見過的超級強颱. 又或者說, 假使當時氣壓計的讀數, 再低些微少許, 恐怕現在就沒辦法如此輕鬆的大口呼吸了.

, 回應了這些堅信真誠祈求的心意, 縱然是在小小的教堂裡的禱告神也是會聽到, 並且給予即時的回應.

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The Hurricane Turned

Trembling from the news given by the radio announcer, the residents of Miami, Florida, were laboring furiously to board up windows and prepare their homes for the disaster which was upon them. They were facing the most terrifying hurricane that had ever come to that area. The wind velocity was recorded at the 240 miles per hour. The air pressure was so low that most people found it most difficult to breathe.

Repeated precautions and warnings poured from the announcer as people moved patients from the hospital to more substantial buildings. They were doing everything they knew because the storm was so terrible.

Some of our Church members lived in humble homes beside a river.  Thirteen members of one family lived in two rooms. Each one had chosen a bush to cling to when the wind hit. These humble Saints went to the little church and prayed. They asked the Lord to turn the storm about so it would not strike any part of the city.

As the storm progressed, the announcer kept bombarding the homes with words such as "The storms I moving at such and such a speed. It is now at such and such a location.” Quite suddenly, the announcer called, “Hold everything, we don't understand what is happening! But listen! “Hold everything! Stop where you are! The storm has been moving at such and such a pace, but now it has stopped. 

Fifteen minutes later he said, “The storm has not moved! We simply don’t understand! "Probably it is whirling in the water gathering momentum! It may be that the city will be completely destroyed! It's a phenomena beyond our ability to understand!"

Fifteen minutes later he said, “We can relax. The storm is turning out to sea. It's going up the coast and may strike Palm Beach instead of Miami.”

Fifteen minutes later he said, “The storm is turning! It made a complete turn and then went out to sea.”

In their pulpits the next Sunday, ministers marveled, saying, “We simply don't understand what happened. The storm came right up the Caribbean and was headed straight for Miami. If it had struck here, there would not have been one stone left upon another of this city. We have never seen such a storm. If the barometer had gone any lower it would have been impossible to breathe.

God answers the prayers of those who ask in complete faith and trust. So those saints in that small church had their prayers answered

這情形, 相信在台灣的你們, 一定很熟悉才是, 他們面對颱風肆虐的祈求, 得到最好的應答, 解除了一場可預見的嚴重災難. 我想你們也是年年都得到很大的祝福的. 對不對?

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(Those Who Came: Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Paul Lin)(Jimmy Hsu; Ruby Chen)

(Stenographer: Susan Shelton)

(Skype to: <Lade> Rick, Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, David, Anna, Joseph; Elizabeth Woodward; Catherine Thomas; <Henson> Todd, kelvin; Frank Van Fleet, Matthew Moellmann)(Nicloe Robison)


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