復原耶穌基督教會 台灣佈道所

January 28th, 2018

悔改/禱告/禁食 Repent/Pray/Fast

史堤夫牧師 Pastor Stephen Henson

The Church of Jesus Christ

Taiwan Restoration Mission




先來頌唱兩首詩歌,再來課前祈福禱告,上課囉! (陸陸續續有人進場)


教義與聖約 Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 16:3c-4b

[Sec 16:3c] 記住,在神眼中,靈魂的價值是大的;因為看啊,主,你們的救贖主,忍受了肉身的死亡;因此,祂忍受了全人類的痛苦,讓全人類可以悔改而歸向祂。

[Sec 16:3c] Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; for, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.

[Sec 16:3d] 而且祂已從死裡復活,使祂能帶領全人類在悔改的條件下歸向祂。

[Sec 16:3d] And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him on conditions of repentance.

[Sec 16:3e] 對悔改的靈魂,祂的快樂是多麼大呀!所以,你們蒙召呼籲這人民悔改。

[Sec 16:3e] And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth. Wherefore you are called to cry repentance unto this people.

[Sec 16:3f] 假如你們辛勤終生,呼籲這人民悔改,即使只帶領一個靈魂歸向我,你們同他在我父國度中的快樂該是多麼大呀!

[Sec 16:3f] And if it so be that you should labor all your days, in crying repentance unto this people, and bring save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

[Sec 16:4a] 假如你們帶領一個靈魂歸向我,進入我父的國度,你們就那麼快樂,那麼,如果你們帶領很多靈魂歸向我,你們的快樂將是多麼大呀!

[Sec 16:4a] And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy, if you should bring many souls unto me!

[Sec 16:4b] 看啊,你們有我的福音在你們面前,還有我的磐石和我的救恩。

[Sec 16:4b] Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my Rock, and my salvation.

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我們剛剛讀了一段教義與聖約,是說在 神的眼中,我們的靈是偉大的,因為人只要悔改,就能藉由靈,尋求回歸 神身邊的道路.

這也是 神給予我們的計畫,有關救贖,也關乎著永恆的生命,當祂遣送愛子主耶穌基督蒞世,為救贖我們的罪,而犧牲在十字架上,並在三天後,展現絕妙的復活於世人的眼前.這時候主耶穌基督說了,祂說:世上每一個人的靈,在我眼中都是一樣的,只要悔改,就能得到賜福.

我曾經思考過這問題,直到今天,我仍然認為,不管是在台灣,或在美國,每一個靈都是平等的,至少在 神的眼中,都是一樣的,祂期望我們追隨祂和主耶穌基督的腳步,使我們可以得到這靈,好進一步得到永恆的生命.

也就是說,祂期望我們悔改,得到這禮物- 聖靈Holy Spirit,祂並不期待有人被毀滅,而是期望大家都能追隨祂,而得到永恆的生命,生活在祂的身邊.



尼腓二書 II Nephi 1:71-75

71 因此,救贖要依靠並藉著聖彌賽亞而來到;因為他是充滿恩典和真理。

71 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the holy Messiah: for he is full of grace and truth.

72 看啊,他奉獻他自己作為一種罪的獻身祭,為所有懷著破碎之心和痛悔之靈的人們,符合那律法的目的;但他的獻身祭不能作為其他的任何人符合那律法的目地。

72 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

73 因此,讓世上的居民知道這些事,其重要性是多麼的大,這樣好使他們知道,除非藉著那位聖彌賽亞的功勞,慈悲和恩典,沒有一個血肉之軀,可以住在 神的身邊;

73 Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the holy Messiah,

74 他在肉身中捨去他的生命,再由靈的力量取回他的生命,

74 Who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit

75 因為他得以促成死人復活的實現,他成為首先復活起來的人。

75 That he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

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正因為如此,所以主耶穌基督代表著恩典和真理,我稍微再解釋一下何謂恩典:意即神聖的恩惠.因此可以說,我們只要展現出悔改的誠意,就能收受來自 神祂救贖的恩典.



我們不需要現在就翻找相關經文,但是,有些經文記載主禱文”,那是主耶穌基督的禱告內容,也是明確的告訴我們,禱告祈求的方向- 為何禱告.特別的是,禱告祈求有幾個奇特的面向,那就是也為我們靈魂的敵人- 就是為了祈求主抑制撒旦而禱告.


阿爾瑪書 Alma 16:218-222

218 所以願 神賜允你們,我的弟兄們,使你們能開始運用你們的信心來悔改,開始呼求他的聖名,求他的慈悲臨到你們;要呼求他的慈悲;因為他是有極大拯救的力量的。

218 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you; yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save;

219 是的,要謙抑你們自己,繼續向他禱告;你們要在牧場上的時候呼求他,為了你們所有的羊群;在你們的家中呼求他,無論早晨、中午或晚上,為了所有你們的家人;呼求他抑制你們敵人的力量;呼求他抑制那魔鬼,他是所有正義的敵人。

219 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him; cry unto him when ye are in your fields; yea, over all your flocks; cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid- day, and evening; yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies; yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.

220 為你們田中的穀物呼求他,使你們得以豐收;為你們牧場上的羊群呼求他,使它們得以繁殖。

220 Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them: cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.

221 不僅如此而已;你們必須在你們的私室,你們的密所、你們的荒野、傾瀉你們的靈魂。

221 But this is not all: ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness;

222 而且,當你們不住呼求上主的時候,要為了你們週圍人們的幸福,讓你們的心不斷地充滿著,並傾訴於對他的禱告中。

222 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.

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重點來了,我們禱告的對象是耶和華- ,我們的天父,經由主耶穌基督的名,所以祂也期望能依我們的禱告,尤其是能夠以禁食方式持誡守紀,而又能多多禱告的,給予我們祝福.


尼腓二書 II Nephi 14:12

12 但我告訴你們, 你們必須常常禱告,不要沮喪;你們決不可為上主行任何事,除非你們首先奉基督的名向父禱告,求他祝福你們要行的事,使你們要行的事得以造福你們的靈魂。

12 But behold I say unto you, that ye must pray always, and not faint: that ye must not perform anything unto the Lord, save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

此文也說,禱告最好在你行動之前進行,可以得到最佳的效應與福利;這是因為 神已經知道我們的舉止,當然會給我們適時的保障和眷顧.

雖然,在工作中或有不便之處,也只好在心裡默默的向天父禱告,依然會得到眷顧的. 神期望聽到我們的聲音,祂更是期待我們與祂的溝通,所以我們很在意禁食的行為.



希拉曼書 Helaman 2:31

31 雖然如此,但他們還常常禁食和禱告,並在他們的謙抑中不斷強大起來,他們對基督的信心也不斷堅定起來,以至他們的靈魂充滿了快樂和安慰,是的,他們的心被洗淨而成為聖潔;這種聖潔的獲得,是由於他們的心交給了 神。

31 Nevertheless, they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.

此文說,他們的心,因此淨化和聖潔化.也就是說,如果我們也能祈禱和禁食,那麼我們也能擁有相同的心- 被淨化和聖潔化;而聖潔化的意思,指的是罪的赦免,恢復純潔之態.



阿爾瑪書 Alma 12:5; 14-15

5 但是還不止此;他們曾專心致力於禱告和禁食,所以他們已具有預言之靈和啟示之靈,當他們教導的時候,他們用能力和權柄來教導,甚至用 神的能力和權柄。

5 But this is not all: they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting, therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority, even as with the power and authority of God.

14 他們在荒野中旅行許多天,常常禁食和禱告,求上主賜一部份他的靈和他們同行,和他們同住,

14 And it came to pass that they journeyed many days in the wilderness, and they fasted much, and prayed much, that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them,

15 成他們成為 神的工具,如果可能的話,使他們的弟兄拉曼人認識真理,

15 That they might be an instrument in the hands of God, to bring, if it were possible, their brethren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge of the truth;











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摩賽亞書 Mosiah 2:13-17

13 相信 神;相信他的存在,相信創造了天上和地上的萬物。

13 Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things both in heaven and in earth;

14 相信他具有天地間一切替慧和權力。

14 Believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; 15 Believe that man doth not comprehend all things which the Lord can comprehend.

15 相信世人不能領悟一切上主能領悟的事情。

15 Believe that man doth not comprehend all things which the Lord can comprehend.

16 還要相信你們必須悔改你們的罪,離棄你們的罪,在 神前謙抑你們自己;用虔誠的心祈求他饒恕你們。

16 And again: Believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you:

17 現在,如果你們相信這一切,注意你們一定要做到。

17 And now, if you believe all these things, see that ye do them.


出席: <Henson> Stephen, Kelvin; <Brotherton> Jared, Jordan; Vitaliy Surova; Paul Lin; Kelly Shih; Judy Chen; Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Rita Wu; Robert Lin, Fu-lin; Ray Chen; Tom Lin; Danny; Rachel Yang; Cuttle Yu; (Ruby Chen; <Lin> Jason, David.)

字幕: Susan Shelton  翻譯: Paul Lin

Skype 連線: <Lade> Rick, Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, David, Anna, Joseph; <Henson> Todd, Sherri; <Moellmann> Matthew, Jai-yu; Frank Van Fleet; Elizabeth Woodward; Emma Brown; Regan Brotherton; Jacob Smith; Ben Nelson; Nicole Robinson; Craig Colville;  Drew Henson .

P.S 1 Jimmy 因眼睛不適,今住院檢查治療中,大家排定明天中午去探視,並為他禱告祈福.(:腦中長瘤,壓迫視神經,預定周三手術)

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