
復原耶穌基督教會 台灣佈道所

October 28th, 2018  無花果 Fig Tree

法蘭克長老 Elder Frank Van Fleet

The Church of Jesus Christ

Taiwan Restoration Mission


今天是瑞克牧師一家, 第三年舉家來台傳道, 返美後第一個做禮拜的星期天, 鏡頭裡的安娜阿曼達一臉倦容, 想必是一回家馬上工作, 沒有調整時差的休息時間, 時差還沒調整過來; 你們無私的付出, 大家都看在眼裡, 謝謝了各位.


[詩歌 63 頌唱][ Joshua Moellmann 課前禱告]

法蘭克長老不急不徐的聲音, 在寒暄過後, 開始今天的早課:相信各位在經典裡, 或是其他福音相關雜誌中, 都可以找到一些有價值的資訊.

近幾年, 我訂閱一份期刊, 可說是我另一份精神食糧, 其中一篇文章說到, 講話出口很簡單(順口而出很容易),可是代價可能不便宜(影響所及, 可能難以收控).

或者說, 只有空談, 沒有行動, 可是引不起別人的興趣的; 就像我家中的兩棵櫻桃樹, 年年開花結果, 花兒美不勝收, 果實香甜甘美; 可是今年其中一顆, 只聞花香卻不結果, 好生令人失望.


馬太福音-Matthew 21:18:20

21:18 早晨回城的時候,耶穌餓了;

Now in the morning as He returned to the city, He became hungry. 

21:19 看見路旁一棵無花果樹,就走到跟前,在樹上找不著什麼,不過有葉子;就對樹說,你不再結果子,直到永遠。那無花果樹就立刻枯乾了。

And seeing a fig tree on the way, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only. And He said to it, May there no longer be fruit from you forever! And the fig tree was instantly dried up. 

21:20 門徒看見了,便希奇說,這無花果樹怎麼立刻就枯乾了?

And when the disciples saw this, they marveled, saying, How did the fig tree instantly dry up? 

耶穌見路旁無花果樹, 只開花不結果, 責令其永不結果, 致使果樹枯乾凋萎; 我們看到的是無花果, 不結果的下場, 其實耶穌談的是, 只要有信心, 就可以開花結果; 經典中說:信心縱使只有芝麻粒大, 一樣可以使山移動. 不是嗎?


馬太福音-Matthew 21:28-30

21:28 你們怎麼看?一個人有兩個孩子,他來對大的說,孩子,你今天到葡萄園裡去作工。

But what do you think? A man had two children. And he came to his first son and said, Child, go today and work in the vineyard. 

21:29 他回答說,我不去;後來懊悔,就去了。

And he answered and said, I do not want to; yet later he regretted and went. 

21:30 又來對另一個也這樣說,他回答說,主啊,我去;卻沒有去。

And he came to the other and said likewise. And he answered and said, I will, sir; yet he did not go. 

這裡比喻兩兒子的心態, 大兒子雖說不去, 可是後悔自己不聽話, 最後還是去了; 反觀小兒子, 滿口答應下來, 實際上卻是毫無動靜.

其實說的還是信心, 大兒子起先信心不足, 後來信了道, 遂鼓起勇氣去做; 而小兒子聽聞道, 好似全盤吸收, 其實是左耳進右耳出, 不當一回事.

正如前面所說的無花果, 只開花不結果, 是信心不足, 若能聞道後, 開花 - 結果, 就是大兒子的行為, 否則如小兒子的有口無心, 就不是真心相信耶穌的福音了.


馬太福音-Matthew 21:31-32

21:31 兩個當中,那一個完成了父親的心意?他們說,大的。耶穌對他們說,我實在告訴你們,稅吏和娼妓要在你們以前進神的國。

Which of the two did the will of the father? They said, The first. Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and the harlots are going into the kingdom of God before you. 

21:32 因為約翰在義路中來到你們這裡,你們不信他,稅吏和娼妓倒信他。你們看見了,後來還是不悔改去信他。

For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the harlots believed him. And you, when you saw it, did not later regret it to believe him. 

延續大兒子悔改後, 聽從父親的指示, 到葡萄果園裡工作, 這裡的重點是悔改 Repent, 若不悔改, 就是無心如小兒子, 空口無信, 是無法得到福報 福音中的喜悅平安.


約翰一書-1 John 3:7-8

3:7 孩子們,不要讓人迷惑你們,行義的人才是義的,正如祂是義的一樣;

Little children, let no one lead you astray; he who practices righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous; 

3:8 犯罪的是出於魔鬼,因為魔鬼從起初就犯罪。為此,神的兒子顯現出來,是要消除魔鬼的作為。

He who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 

平日常見某企業家捐贈做善事的新聞, 這回饋本是好事, 取之於社會, 用之於社會, 只是這其中有些沽名釣譽之輩, 假藉行善之名, 實為逃漏稅做打算.

這種包裹後的行善, 實在是無益於大眾, 偽善本身就是罪, 怎能以罪行來掩飾善心呢? 追隨耶穌基督的話語, 就需要聞道先, 後起而行, 才能得到福報.

所以我們常常強調, 信靠順服 Trust and Obey, 就是這個道理, 真心的付出, 就能有福報; 若是一昧的呼弄, 只口中應答要去(如小兒子), 卻背道而行, 實不足為取 (難免會有無花果的下場).


教義與聖約 (D&C) Doctrine and Covenants 2:3a-3c

[Sec 2:3a] 看啊,這些東西已託付給你,但給你的誡命是何等嚴格;

[Sec 2:3a] Behold, you have been intrusted with these things, but how strict were your commandments;

[Sec 2:3b] 也應記得若你不違反誡命,那些對你所作的應許。而且看啊,你已多次違背了神的誡命和律法,連續聽從了人的勸誘。

[Sec 2:3b] and remember, also, the promises which were made to you, if you did not transgress them; and, behold, how oft you have transgressed the commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the persuasions of men:

[Sec 2:3c] 因為,看啊,你不該怕人甚於怕神。雖然世人藐視神的勸告,輕視祂的話,然而你本當忠信;祂就會伸出手臂支持你,抵抗敵人一切帶火的箭;祂就會在你每次有困難時與你同在。

[Sec 2:3c] for, behold, you should not have feared man more than God, although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words, yet you should have been faithful and he would have extended his arm, and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble.

我們的先知小約瑟史密斯 Joseph Smith Jr. 得到 神的啟示和應允, 翻譯金葉片的密碼, 為取信於人, 違背 神不得將金葉片公開的誓言, 竟將其中一片金葉片示眾, 後卻輾轉遺落.

這遺落的是第116章節, 迄今去向成迷, 小約瑟的粗心, 因此遭受 神的譴責, 斥責他不應該輕易示眾, 更不應該讓葉片在眼前消失無蹤, 在他的悔改之下, 寬容的 , 寬恕他的過錯, 也仍讓他繼續完成翻譯金葉片的工作.


教義與聖約 (D&C) Doctrine and Covenants 2:4a-4c

[Sec 2:4a] 看啊,你是約瑟,是被揀選來做主事工的,但是因為違誡,你若不留意,就會墜落。

[Sec 2:4a] Behold, thou art Joseph, and thou wast chosen to do the work of the Lord, but because of transgression, if thou art not aware thou wilt fall, but remember God is merciful;

[Sec 2:4b] 但是記住,神是慈悲的;因此,悔改你所做違反我賜給你的誡命之事,這樣你仍是被揀選的,並且再被召喚來做這事工;

[Sec 2:4b] therefore, repent of that which thou hast done, which is contrary to the commandment which I gave you, and thou art still chosen, and art again called to the work;

[Sec 2:4c] 除非這樣做,你必被捨棄,變得像其他人一樣,不再有恩賜。

[Sec 2:4c] except thou doest this, thou shalt be delivered up and become as other men, and have no more gift.

因為小約瑟的悔改, 得到 神的寬恕, 也得到 神的祝福, 讓他繼續的完成未竟之工 翻譯出金葉片的秘密.

這裡的重點, 在於小約瑟的悔改, 使他得到寬恕, 也得到後續的福報, 在完成金葉片的譯文之後, 更創立了信奉唯一真神的復原耶穌基督教會 Restoration Church of Jesus Christ.

我要強調的是, 每日的禱告, 可以使我們自省悔改, 眼光注目在 神的事工上, 也就是說, 以身作則, 從己身天天做起 禱告悔改, 才能帶起模範面貌, 據此來服眾, 帶領大家一同走向傳道人的志業.

教會會員手冊中指出, 我們遵守 神的話語, 表示我們與 神訂有盟約 Covenants, 也有用手印的含意, 是一種束缚嗎? 其實是以示尊重, 不是印記, 更不是束缚.

剛剛提到的兩個兒子, 我們要效法大兒子的悔改, 起而行; 不要學小兒子的空口應答, 實際上不做為; 最後我想說的事, 是能夠開花結果的, 才能算是一棵正常的好樹, 如果只是開花不結果, 就像有口無心, 不事做為的, 是全然無效益的.

把福音傳揚出去, 讓我們都成為快樂的傳道人. 享受來自 神的福報- 平安喜悅.


[詩歌 #330 頌唱][Joseph Lade 課後禱告]

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出席 Attended: Paul Lin; Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Robert Xiao; Joanna Lin; Jimmy Hsu; Judy Chen.

翻譯 Interpreter: Paul Lin

視訊連線 Skype to: Frank Van Fleet; Darcy Brotherton; Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, David, Anna, Joseph Lade; Jai-yu, Joshua Moellmann.

[代禱祈福 Prayers]

[自助餐會 Potluck]


P.S1 瑞克牧師一家, 回家已數日, 仍然在調時差, 加上氣溫變化大(台灣溫暖, 美中已偏冷), 適應上會多花幾天時間, 辛苦啦!

箴言-Proverbs 17:22

17:22 喜樂的心乃是良藥,憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.



















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