JESUS Sends You This Invitation
The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission
September 22nd, 2013 (Sunday 10:30am - 14:00pm)
Topic: Invitation 主題: 邀請
阿爾瑪書 Alma 3:57
Behold, Jesus sends an invitation unto all people; and His arms of mercy are reaching toward you, and He says, Repent, and I will receive you;
“天兔颱風如何?” 畢竟是待過兩年多, 一開場, Duff 很關心的問道, 所幸此次颱風聲勢驚人, 好在並未直衝陸地, 天佑台灣, 感謝主!
阿爾瑪書 Alma 3:108
I speak by way of command to you that belong to the church; and to those who do not belong to the church, I speak by way of invitation, saying, Come, and be baptized and repent, that you also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life.
眼尖的他, 透過 Skype 視訊, 仍然發現 Wayne Lan 跟 Angel Liao 倆位較少來的”舊人”, 打過招呼, 得知倆人皆單身, 話題一轉銜接今天的主題“JESUS Sends You This Invitation來自耶穌的邀請” 如果將來你們辦婚禮, 是不是要送出喜帖當邀請函?
馬太福音 Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
於今, 耶穌所留下的經書, 不勝枚舉, 在每本經書的字裡行間, 都重複的透露著同一個重要的訊息”Repent, Baptize and Eternal Life 悔改, 洗禮得永生”.
以諾斯書 Enos 1:46
I rejoice in the day when my mortal body shall put on immortality, and I will stand before Jesus: then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say to me, Come to me blessed one, there is a place I’ve prepared for you in my Fathers house. Amen.
鏡頭那的你們 Eric, Eileen and Paul 都已經過悔改, 洗禮的過程, 而邁向永生之途前進中, 所以只要悔改與洗禮, 就能走上永生之道, 是嗎? 不, 這樣的想法, 只能說是只對了一部分.
尼腓三書 3 Nephi 4:42-43,52
42 是的,我實在告訴你們,你們若歸向我,就必得永生。
Jesus said, If you will come to me, you will have eternal life.
43 看啊,我慈悲的臂膀已伸向你們,凡願意來的,我必接納他;那些歸向我的人有福了。
See, my arms of mercy are extended to you, and whoever will come, I will receive him; and blessed are those who come to me.
52 看啊,我已為這樣的人捨了命,又把命取回來;因此你們大地各端的人啊,要悔改,並歸向我,以便得救。
I have laid down my life, and have taken it up again; therefore repent, and come to me everyone, and be saved.
為什麼說只對了一部分? 且是一小部分而已? 因為經文裡明明白白的告訴我們, 悔改與洗禮那才只能算是入門的條件而已, 還有律法與誡命要遵循, 並且是要全心全意的相信主, 才配得到永生的果實.
尼腓三書 3 Nephi 5:66
Jesus said, I have given you the law and the commandments of my Father, that you can believe in me, and that you should repent of your sins, and come to me with a broken heart and a humble spirit.
神, 我們的天父, 祂的大能足以赦免我們所有的罪, 只要我們能悔改, 並藉由洗禮接受的聖靈的啟示與帶領, 遵守祂賜予的律法與誡命, 亦步亦趨的回到天父的身邊à同享永生之境.
尼腓三書 3 Nephi 12:33
Now this is the commandment, Repent, everyone, and come to me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that you may stand clean before Jesus at the last day.
神愛世人 - 我們早已耳熟能詳, 這是一句口號嗎? 不! 我們的天父, 為了我們有贖罪的機會, 派遣祂的獨子來到人世間, 親自獻身幫我們付出了罪的代價, 期望我們能真的悔改, 並願意接受聖靈的洗禮.
摩羅乃書 Moroni 7:36
Jesus said, Repent everyone, and come to me and be baptized in my name, and have faith in me, that you may be saved.
祂不求財物、金錢與名位的回報, 祂真心的希望我們能因著聖靈的啟示, 再度回到祂身邊.
阿爾瑪書 Alma 13:30-53
Now as Ammon was thus teaching the people of Lamoni continually, we will return to the account of Aaron and his other brethren;
For after he departed from the land of Middoni, he was led by the Spirit to the land of Nephi; even to the house of the king which was over all the land, save it were the land of Ishmael and he was the father of Lamoni.
And it came to pass that he went in unto him into the king's palace, with his brethren, and bowed himself before the king, and said unto him, Behold, O king, we are the brethren of Ammon, whom thou hast delivered out of prison. And now, O king, if thou wilt spare our lives, we will be thy servants.
And the king said unto them, Arise for I will grant unto you your lives, and I will not suffer that ye shall be my servants; but I will insist that ye shall administer unto me;
For I have been somewhat troubled in mind, because of the generosity, and the greatness of the words of thy brother Ammon; and I desire to know the cause why he has not come up out of Middoni with thee.
And Aaron said unto the king, Behold the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way; he has gone to the land of Ishmael, to teach the people of Lamoni.
Now the king said unto them, What is this that ye have said concerning the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, this is the thing which doth trouble me.
37艾蒙還說 - 你若悔改,就必得救,若不悔改,在末日必被拋棄 - 這話是什麼意思?
And also, what is this that Ammon said: If ye will repent ye shall be saved, and if ye will not repent, ye shall be cast off at the last day?
And Aaron answered him and said unto him, Believest thou that there is a God?
And the king said, I know that the Amalekites say that there is a God, and I have granted unto them that they should build sanctuaries, that they may assemble themselves together, to worship him. And if now thou sayest there is a God, behold, I will believe.
And now when Aaron heard this, his heart began to rejoice, and he said, Behold, assuredly, as thou livest, O king, there is a God.
And the king said, Is God that Great Spirit that brought our fathers out of the land of Jerusalem?
And Aaron said unto him, Yea, he is that Great Spirit, and he created all things, both in heaven and in earth: believest thou this?
And he said, Yea, I believe that the Great Spirit created all things, and I desire that ye should tell me concerning all these things, and I will believe thy words.
And it came to pass that when Aaron saw that the king would believe his words, he began from the creation of Adam, reading the scriptures unto the king; how God created man after his own image, and that God gave him commandments, and that because of transgression, man had fallen.
And Aaron did expound unto him the scriptures, from the creation of Adam, laying the fall of man before him, and their carnal state, and also the plan of redemption, which was prepared from the foundation of the world, through Christ, for all whosoever would believe on his name.
And since man had fallen, he could not merit anything of himself; but the sufferings and death of Christ atoneth for their sins, through faith, repentance and baptism etc.:
And that he breaketh the bands of death, that the grave shall have no victory, and that the sting of death should be swallowed up in the hopes of glory: and Aaron did expound all these things unto the king.
And it came to pass that after Aaron had expounded these things unto him, the king said, What shall I do, that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken?
Yea, what shall I do that I may be born of God, having this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast, and receive his Spirit, that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day?
50他說,看啊,只要能得到這寶貴的快樂,我願放棄所有的一切,是的,我願放棄我的王國。Behold, said he, I will give up all that I possess; yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy.
But Aaron said unto him, If thou desirest this thing, if thou wilt bow down before God, yea, if thou wilt repent of all thy sins, and will bow down before God, and call on his name in faith, believing that ye shall receive, then shalt thou receive the hope which thou desirest.
And it came to pass that when Aaron had said these words, the king did bow down before the Lord, upon his knees; yea, even he did prostrate himself upon the earth, andcried mightily, saying, O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God;
And if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may be raised from the dead, and be saved at the last day.
“經文的敘述, 你們認為是真的還是只是寓言?”我確實的告訴你們, 這經文裡的每個字和每一句, 無一言是虛偽, 也無一語是憑空捏造, 都是確證確鑿有脈絡可循的. 世間的一切千變萬化, 反而是虛幻不實, 唯有永恆的生命, 才是真正你可以擁抱與享有的; 今日, 耶穌已為我們卸下了重擔, 何不當即立下悔改的心, 接受洗禮與收受聖靈滋長身心靈的澆灌呢?!
尼腓二書 2 Nephi 13:24-32
For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water: and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire, and by the Holy Ghost.
And then are ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate; ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and the Son;
And ye have received the Holy Ghost, which witnesses of the Father and the Son, unto the fulfilling of the promise which he hath made, that if ye enter in by the way, ye should receive.
And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask, if all is done?
Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far, save it were by the word of Christ, with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save;
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.
30因此,如果你們努力前進,飽享基督的話,並持守到底,看啊,父這樣說:你們必得永生。Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
And now behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven, whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God.
And now behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.
不是我們美國人的, 雖然我們滿八歲就接受了祂, 但
早早已為我們在永生之境, 備妥每一個人的立足之地
來自耶穌的邀請 -你還在猶豫什麼呢?
9/27 (五) 19:30 晚課 (點心趴;歡迎帶你的最愛零嘴來分享)
9/28 (六) 14:30 下午茶 (教眾會議;歡迎一起來開講同歡)(自費)
9/29 (日) 10:30 做禮拜、領聖餐 (課後 Potluck;歡迎加碼菜色來分享)
(Those Who Came: Eric Ho + Eileen Chen; Paul Lin; Angel Liao; Wayne Lan)(Ruby Chen; Tom Lin)
(Skype To: Daughertys: Duff + Kendra + Amanda + Haley; Lades: Rick + Nancy + Sarah + Amanda + David + Anna + Joseph; Moellmanns: Matthew + Jai-Yu + Joshua; Maggie + Sashay + Uncel)