
復 原 耶 穌 基 督 教 會 台 灣 佈 道 所

The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission

January 31st, 2016 新 年 New Year

(牧師 馬太 Pastor Matthew Moellmann)

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這樣子看起來, 我們下禮拜、還有下下禮拜, 肯定是沒能見到面, 所以趁著今天上課, 我一定要先跟大家說一聲:新年快樂、恭喜發財;沒想到娶台灣人為妻的牧師馬太, 不免俗的跟大家先拜個早年, 隨著話聲一落, 電視前的此地恭喜發財、紅包拿來之聲此起彼落; 讓他險險乎招架不住, 趕緊轉移話題, 頌讚詩歌上課啦!

就在幾星期以前, 我在課堂上曾說到身在中國的李牧師, 不管環境如何惡劣, 都樂觀以對的見證. 今天, 趁著年節來臨之際, 我想來談談中國的年和基督教有什麼樣的關聯. 你們認為這兩者之間會有關聯嗎?

先說說 “造” 這個中文字, 是以土(泥)、口(呼吸)、走(四肢)等等組成一個字, 對吧? 這也是  神創作我們的元素, 不是嗎? 所以, 有些時候, 如果深究中文字, 你將會發現它們跟基督徒的信仰, 有很大的關聯與相似之處.

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我注意到這已引起你們某些人的興趣了, 同時這也引起我將中國年對照逾越節的習俗, 兩相比較, 確實發現很多相似點, 你們有想到什麼嗎?

一家團圓”, 算是其中之一; 還有嗎? 想不出來了? 我以為你們應該都知道才是啊! 本以為大家都知道了, 可以跳過這一段, 提早下課了說… 看來還得稍做解釋才行, 好吧! 先翻閱出埃及記…

出埃及記 Exodus 12:1-5; 6-8; 12-13; 21-27

1 耶和華在埃及地曉諭摩西亞倫說、

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt,

2 你們要以本月為正月、為一年之首。

"This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.

3 你們吩咐以色列全會眾說、本月初十日、各人要按著父家取羊羔、一家一隻。

Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.

4 若是一家的人太少、喫不了一隻羊羔、本人就要和他隔壁的鄰舍共取一隻、你們豫備羊羔、要按著人數和飯量計算。

If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor, having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat.

5 要無殘疾一歲的公羊羔、你們或從綿羊裡取、或從山羊裡取、都可以.

The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats.

這裡提出猶太人以陰曆年的一月為一年之始(逾越節), 這跟你們以農曆一月為正月的意思不正好相同? 我們以陽曆計算, 是比較規率的時程; 不同於你們的正月初一是從2月8日(每年不同), 才開始一年的計算. 再來為節慶獻上羔羊為祭品, 不也與你們獻祭的牲禮相似? 以陰曆紀年, 一家團圓, 獻祭牲禮, 這是相似點之一.


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6 要留到本月十四日、在黃昏的時候、以色列全會眾把羊羔宰了。

Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight.

7 各家要取點血、塗在喫羊羔的房屋左右的門框上、和門楣上。

Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.

8 當夜要喫羊羔的肉、用火烤了、與無酵餅和苦菜同喫。

That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast.

把紅咚咚的羊血, 塗抹在門楣、門框上, 再來吃天然發酵的麵包, 以及苦菜; 這是不是雷同你們貼上春聯, 槓子頭烙餅, 還有苦苦的卦菜? 這是相似點之二. (說到這, 幾位姐妹都一直點頭稱是.)


12 因為那夜我要巡行埃及地、把埃及地一切頭生的、無論是人是牲畜、都擊殺了.又要敗壞埃及一切的神、我是耶和華。

"On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn--both men and animals--and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.

13 這血要在你們所住的房屋上作記號、我一見這血、就越過你們去、我擊殺埃及地頭生的時候、災殃必不臨到你們身上滅你們。

The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

至於把紅咚咚的羊血, 塗抹在門楣、門框上, 這又表示什麼呢? 其實它表示這是猶太人在埃及為奴的居所,  神要對埃及人有所懲處, 怕會誤傷自己人, 用以避開禍患; 不也雷同春聯的趨吉避凶的意義嗎?

21 於是摩西召了以色列的眾長老來、對他們說、你們要按著家口取出羊羔、把這逾越節的羊羔宰了。

Then Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, "Go at once and select the animals for your families and slaughter the Passover lamb.

22 拿一把牛膝草、蘸盆裡的血、打在門楣上、和左右的門框上.你們誰也不可出自己的房門直到早晨。

Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. Not one of you shall go out the door of his house until morning.

23 因為耶和華要巡行擊殺埃及人、他看見血在門楣上、和左右的門框上、就必越過那門、不容滅命的進你們的房屋、擊殺你們。

When the LORD goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.

24 這例你們要守著、作為你們和你們子孫永遠的定例。

"Obey these instructions as a lasting ordinance for you and your descendants.

25 日後你們到了耶和華按著所應許賜給你們的那地、就要守這禮。

When you enter the land that the LORD will give you as he promised, observe this ceremony.

26 你們的兒女問你們說、行這禮是甚麼意思。

And when your children ask you, 'What does this ceremony mean to you?'

27 你們就說、這是獻給耶和華逾越節的祭.當以色列人在埃及的時候、他擊殺埃及人、越過以色列人的房屋、救了我們各家。於是百姓低頭下拜。

then tell them, 'It is the Passover sacrifice to the LORD, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.'" Then the people bowed down and worshiped.

眼下恐怕已經是沒有人在宰殺羔羊的了, 不過我還記得當年在台灣,很深刻的印象是你們過年時期, 幾乎家家戶戶, 都會在門楣、門框貼上喜氣洋洋的大紅春聯, 是不是?

這樣一來, 很吻合經文裡把獻祭羔羊的血, 塗抹上門楣、門框上的用意, 用以避免  神將降下禍患給埃及, 而不會傷害到在埃及的猶太人, 不是嗎?

同時, 他們接獲指示, 必須待在室內享用燒烤的羔羊, 咀嚼天然發酵的麵包, 以及帶有苦味的苦菜, 因為戶外正蒙受  神的懲治, 有著死亡的陰影, 是極不安全的. 相對中國人的過年, 兒童被告誡不能外出, 因為有兇惡的年獸出沒, 全家團圓圍爐, 你們稱為守歲. 這是相似點之三.

Paul 補充說:一直到交子時(晚上十一點)過後, 才能出來放鞭炮驅逐年獸. 及至一夜無事, 第二天一早, 開門見到人, 都會互道“恭喜、恭喜”, 意即又平安度過一年了. 這是相似點之四.


  1. 牲禮、自然發酵麵包、苦菜
  2. 染上猩紅的門楣和門框
  3. 待在屋裡守歲, 趨吉避凶
  4. 互道恭喜, 慶賀存活

等等幾乎神似的行為舉止, 並且如24節所說:這例你們要守著、作為你們和你們子孫永遠的定例。 所以, 猶太人他們年復一年的遵守著這樣的誡命, 一如中國人的過年習俗, 絲毫馬虎不得, 也一代代的傳承下來, 延續迄今.

記住呵! 這是 神以羔羊救贖我們的逾越節的由來. 再來請翻閱約翰福音:裡頭談論施洗者約翰, 以及將被他施洗的那位神子.

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約翰福音 John 1:26-29

26 約翰回答說、我是用水施洗、但有一位站在你們中間、是你們不認識的、

"I baptize with water," John replied, "but among you stands one you do not know.

27 就是那在我以後來的、我給他解鞋帶、也不配。

He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie."

28 這是在約但河外伯大尼、〔有古卷作伯大巴喇〕約翰施洗的地方作的見證。

This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

29 次日、約翰看見耶穌來到他那裡、就說、看哪、 神的羔羊、除去〔或作背負〕世人罪孽的。

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

在舊約裡, 曾多次提起耶穌基督, 就是將被犧牲的羔羊, 所以, 這也是為什麼耶穌基督會被稱為 “神的羔羊”的原故了. 再來是彼得前書的記載:

彼得前書 I Peter 1:18-21

18 知道你們得贖、脫去你們祖宗所傳流虛妄的行為、不是憑著能壞的金銀等物.

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers,

19 乃是憑著基督的寶血、如同無瑕無疵玷污的羔羊之血.

but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

20 基督在創世以前、是豫先被 神知道的、卻在這末世、纔為你們顯現.

He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

21 你們也因著他、信那叫他從死裡復活、又給他榮耀的 神、叫你們的信心、和盼望、都在於 神。

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

同樣的19節裡, 又提到耶穌基督, 就是“神的羔羊”的記載. 我們再來看看穆爾曼經、尼腓一書的記載:

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尼腓一書 I Nephi 3:80-87

80 天使對我說:看!我一看,看到天又開了,

80 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me again, saying, Look! And I looked, and I beheld the heavens open again,

81 我看見天使們降在人類兒女中,對他們施助。

81 And I saw angels descending upon the children of men; and they did minister unto them.

82 他又對我說:看!我看過去,看到 神的羔羊前往人類兒女之中。

82 And he spake unto me again, saying, Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Lamb of God going forth among the children of men.

83 我看到大群的病人他們受著各種疾病和惡鬼以及不潔之靈的痛苦。

83 And I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of diseases, and with devils, and unclean spirits;

84 天使一面對我說話,一面把這一切事情指給我看。

84 And the angel spake and shewed all these things unto me.

85 他們被 神的羔羊的權力醫好了;那些惡鬼和不潔的靈都被趕走了。

85 And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God, and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out.

86 天使又對我說:看!我看過去,看到了 神的羔羊被人民捉住了;是的,那永恒之父的兒子受了世人的審判;我看到了,並為這事作證。

86 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me again, saying, Look! And I looked and beheld the Lamb of God, that he was taken by the people; yea, the Son of the everlasting God was judged of the world; and I saw and bear record.

87 我,尼腓看到他被高舉十字架上,為了世人的罪而被害死。

87 And I, Nephi, saw that he was lifted up upon the cross, and slain for the sins of the world.

以上出埃及記12章裡, 我們讀到 神指示他們如何獻祭羔羊為牲禮, 好讓死亡天使避開那一戶, 也讓猶太人可以從埃及的奴隸下, 獲得釋放與解脫.

正如同逾越節的羔羊所彰顯的意義, 襯托出耶穌基督以祂的生命, 犧牲自己如同 神的羔羊般獻祭, 以救贖我們從罪的淵藪中, 獲得解救, 恩賜我們換取永恆生命的契機.


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約翰福音 John 19:28-37

28 這事以後、耶穌知道各樣的事已經成了、為要使經上的話應驗、就說、我渴了。

Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."

29 有一個器皿盛滿了醋、放在那裡.他們就拿海絨蘸滿了醋、綁在牛膝草上、送到他口。

A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips.

30 耶穌嘗〔原文作受〕了那醋、就說、成了.便低下頭、將靈魂交付 神了。

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

31 猶太人因這日是豫備日、又因那安息日是個大日、就求彼拉多叫人打斷他們的腿、把他們拿去、免得屍首當安息日留在十字架上。

Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.

32 於是兵丁來了、把頭一個人的腿、並與耶穌同釘第二個人的腿、都打斷了。

The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other.

33 只是來到耶穌那裡、見他已經死了、就不打斷他的腿。

But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.

34 惟有一個兵拿槍扎他的肋旁、隨即有血和水流出來。

Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

35 看見這事的那人就作見證、他的見證也是真的、並且他知道自己所說的是真的、叫你們也可以信。

The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.

36 這些事成了、為要應驗經上的話說、『他的骨頭、一根也不折斷。』

These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken,"

37 經上又有一句說、『他們要仰望自己所扎的人。』

and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."

以上經文所說, 正好完完全全的應驗了先知的預言, 耶穌基督以自己為獻祭的羔羊, 必得到完整的、無缺的軀體. 也如同 神應允毫髮無損的, 帶領猶太人離開埃及領地般, 神也可以藉由神子耶穌基督, 帶領我們大家前往永生的境地. 因為祂是 神的羔羊.

看來最近這兩個禮拜, 我們是不會再見面了, 希望你們在看到門楣上的春聯、吃著苦苦的卦菜時, 可以告訴你們的家人、親友們, 這一切的生命, 都是來自耶穌基督的犧牲, 目的是想讓我們屛棄不好的一切, 並能依靠祂找到踏上永恆生命的道路.

在這裡先祝大家新年快樂, 猴年行大運. 我們猴年見囉!

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(Those Who Came: Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Judy Chen; Paul Lin; Sharon Wu; Jimmy Hsu; Ruby Chen)

(Instenographer: Susan Shelton) (Interpreter: Paul Lin)

(Skype to: <Moellmann> Matthew, Jai-yu, Joshua; Maggie, Sashy, Uncel; Frank Van Fleet; Elizabeth Woodward; <Lade> Rick, Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, Anna, Joseph; <Henson> Todd, Stephen; Ben Nelson; Josh Smith; Riane Thomas)

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    農曆新年 Lunar New Year

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