復 原 耶 穌 基 督 教 會 台 灣 佈 道 所
The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission
May 15th, 2016 奇 蹟 Miracle
(牧師瑞克 Pastor Rick Lade)
我們馬上就要開講, 有關今天的電視主日學, 首先唱唱詩歌來讚頌主耶穌基督. 接著我來領導大家做課前禱告.
今天, 我們先來讀見證本的黃皮書, 對了, Paul 目前看起來只有你一個人, 你不須要翻譯吧? 還是你要為自己翻譯一下? 牧師瑞克, 難得輕鬆一下的跟 Paul 說說笑. 喔! 等等又有人來了, 看來還是須要你幫忙翻譯了. 好吧! 我們先來讀 p.55-p.56:
"不見的駕駛 The Missing Rider."
當埃爾菲律浦駕駛著卡車, 在堪薩斯某處大麥田工作時, 突然陷入泥濘動彈不得, 其他最近的卡車駕駛, 離他至少也有五哩遠, 無法及時幫他脫離泥濘的困境.
他嘗試使用各個引擎檔次, 結果徒勞無功, 在絕望之際, 他開始呼喊主的名, 尋求主的幫忙. 就在他禱告完畢時, 他忽然大吃一驚看見一個陌生人就站在他身旁. 可是在他低頭禱告之前, 他還特地看了一下四野, 明明是一個人影也沒有啊!
驚訝的他披頭就問那陌生人: 你是打哪兒來的啊? 陌生人只是笑著跟他說, 你去駕駛座控制, 我來幫忙推車. 埃爾龐大的身驅至少也有250磅重, 而那陌生人看起來很是瘦小, 他心裡想這...他推得動嗎. 但還是聽從指示上了駕駛座, 重新發動引擎, 藉由陌生人的一臂之力, 卡車終於從泥濘的坑洞脫困而出.
他對陌生人致上深深的感謝之情, 也邀請陌生人爬上卡車駕駛座旁坐下來, 他想載陌生人去他想去的地方, 才放他下車. 陌生人才坐下來, 隨即迫不及待的向埃爾宣揚教職和福音. 就像一位基督教會的長老一樣. 弟兄菲律浦對他的談話, 感到十分強烈的興趣.
埃爾菲律浦在鎮上的一處停了下來, 他向陌生人應允說他將盡快回到教會任職. 然後碰到坐在雜貨店前的兩人.匆忙的跟他們聊了一下. 不久他就返回卡車上, 有些焦急的想跟陌生人繼續剛剛有趣的談話. 當他看到座位上空無一人時, 他驚訝的叫了出來 '他走了'. 迷惑中, 他四處找尋陌生人的蹤影, 但是卻沒有看到陌生人的影子. 他回到雜貨店前, 問那兩人說, 有看到我車上的陌生人何時離開的嗎?
他們聽到弟兄菲律浦的問話, 感到奇怪的說, 你是不是喝酒了? 從那車子停下來到現在, 車上從頭到尾就只有你一個人, 你並沒有載人啊.
驚訝的埃爾菲律浦, 轉身慢慢走回卡車, 他確信那陌生人是真實存在過的. 當他爬回卡車座位時, 他發現陌生人留下來一張紙條, 上頭寫著有關教職的事. 他深深的感恩, 且確信那陌生人絕對是主派來幫他的使者.
"The Missing Rider 不見的駕駛"
While driving a truck Earl Phillips got stuck in the middle of a big wheat field in Kansas. He was five miles from the nearest tractor that could pull him out of the mud. He tried to move the truck using every gear, but he was unsuccessful.
In desperation he placed his hands on the side of the truck, buried his head down in them, and cried out to God for help. After his prayer he was startled to see a man standing by his side. He could see for miles around and no one had been in sight when he bowed his head.
Where did you come from? he asked in amazement. The stranger smiled and said, you get in the truck and drive and I will push. At that time, Earl weighed 250 pounds, while the stranger was small. What could he push? Earl thought, but he got in the truck and started it and the other man pushed him right out of the mud hole.
In deep gratitude he thanked the stranger. Then he suggested that the man get in the truck and ride. He would drop him off wherever he wanted to go. The stranger seated himself and he began talking about the priesthood. Being an elder in Christ's church. Brother Phillips was intensely interested in his remarks.
Earl Phillips had to stop for a moment in the town. Explaining his errand to the stranger, he promised to be back quickly. He passed two men seated in front of the store and spoke to them as he hurried by.
He soon came back to the truck anxious to resume the interesting conversations. When he saw the empty seat, Earl exclaimed, ‘He is gone?’ Puzzled, he looked all about him hoping to see the stranger, but he was nowhere to be seen. Stepping back to the men by the store, he asked, which way did the stranger I had in the truck go?
They looked at Brother Phillips in surprise and asked, have you been drinking? There wasn't anyone in the truck with you when you drove up. You were all by yourself. Earl Phillips turned and walked to his truck in wonder. He knew that the man was real.
When he climbed into the truck, he found a piece of paper in the truck that the stranger left with some writing on it about the priesthood. With deep gratitude, he realized that he had been with someone sent from God.
相關的經文, 我們來看希伯來書:
希伯來書 Hebrews 13:2
2 不可忘記用愛心接待客旅.因為曾有接待客旅的、不知不覺就接待了天使。
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
希伯來書 Hebrews 1:7
7 論到使者、又說、『 神以風為使者、以火焰為僕役。』
In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire."
尼腓二書 2 Nephi 3:38-39
38 看啊!他在白天聽我的呼求,夜間藉著異象賜給我知識。
38 Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the night time.
39 日間我在他面前的熱烈禱告中增加勇氣;我發出聲音上達高天;天使們曾下來施助我。
39 And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me.
我會想先讀另一個見證, 那是在藍皮書 P.79-P.81
分享奇蹟 "Sharing a miracle."
珍妮和她的女童軍們, 都很渴望能參與並完成石頭教堂的新建工程. 此刻所完成地下室的基礎, 也只有飾條, 邊框和地板鋪設好, 就權充是她們聚會的場所; 另一批工人, 則正在想把屋頂給架上.
珍妮和她的女童軍們, 決定義賣冰淇淋, 將所得贊助建設計畫, 因為她不想要別人捐款或跟銀行商借貸款. 她到城裡找建材商尋求認同這個建設計畫. 在他們如期提供相關建材時, 珍妮也會如數奉上採購所須的金額.
她們選擇在巴塞洛繆果園, 成為辦理義賣活動的場所. 活動當天, 女童軍們把果園掛上日本燈籠, 以及裝飾一些隨風飄揚的彩帶和旗幡. 一旁排列整齊的桌椅, 靜靜的等待, 即將來臨的成群訪客.
那天下午, 厚重的雲層, 一直黑壓壓的不曾散去. 眼見一場不可避免的豪大雨, 就隨著時間一步步的逼進, 即將開始的義賣活動. 經過認真的思考後, 珍妮建議女童軍們, 可能迫切需要禱告祈求.
活動可能有幾個未知的變數, 包括豪雨可能毀壞, 石頭教堂剛剛才建設好的基礎工程, 而這又是目前可供參加的教友們, 最適合活動的唯一場所. 豪雨也使活動的主要義賣物品- 女童軍們的冰淇淋, 難以去化與義賣. 更糟糕的是, 她們將無法得到足夠的金額, 以支付建材商所提供的建材費用.
同時, 也會使正在加緊把屋頂架上, 以避免雨水侵襲的工程, 被迫暫停. 此刻的珍妮對女童軍們保證, 只要女童軍們的禱告祈求, 確實是信心十足的話, 神將使義賣活動, 不會受到風雨任何的影響.
信心喊話之後, 珍妮把女童軍們帶離果園忙碌的主要道路, 來到一處僻靜的場合. 手牽手圍成一個大圈圈, 然後全心全意向主祈求禱告. 禱告過後, 她們陸陸續續的回到義賣的場所, 著手準備活動的事項.
很快的事情, 看起來似乎都已就定位, 參與活動的人群也持續湧入活動現場; 突然間, 狂風暴雨襲擊獨立市, 大雨傾盆而至, 瞬間淹沒了教堂周邊街區的道路. 雨勢來得又急又猛, 街面看起來一片水汪汪; 但是, 在果園和石頭教堂這兩處, 卻是一滴水也沒有.
有幾個人, 剛從工作的堪薩斯市, 頂著狂風驟雨回到城裡. 心想珍妮和女童軍們, 或許有什麼被大雨打濕的東西, 須要幫忙移開的, 所以轉往果園, 提出想幫忙的訊息. 欣喜看到冰淇淋義賣的活動, 正巧進行中.
建材商們有鑑於突如其來的傾盆大雨, 他們原本期待會看到溼溚溚且紊亂一片的果園. 他們卻訝異於眼前所見的景象, 在果園裡的群眾, 不僅身處陽光散漫又明亮的, 且是安坐在桌面或地上, 一滴雨都沒有淋濕的, 乾淨的椅子上.
結論當然是, 受到 神的祝福, 石頭教堂的屋頂, 正好即時的鋪設完成. 珍妮和女童軍們, 也藉義賣籌到部份款項, 剛剛好支付給提供建材的所有建材商. 甚至於還多出一筆錢, 足以提供任一個, 新建設計畫的支出.
最好的部份是, 她們也都得到一個永生難忘的, 和樂於分享見證的奇蹟.
SCRB 南克斯樂分會 (長老道福夫婦)
分享奇蹟 "Sharing a miracle."
"Jenny and her group of young girls had a desire to participate in finishing the Stone Church. At this time the basement had been completed and was their meeting place. The rafters, sides and sheathing were on, and men were putting on the roof.
Jenny and her group decided upon an ice cream social to raise money for the building project. Since she did not want to ask for donations, nor go into debt. She went uptown to the businessmen and asked if they would help with this project. Many agreed to provide the material and Jenny promised to pay them back with the money they would make.
The Bartholomew Orchard only a few doors east of the Stone Church was selected for the location of the social. The day arrived, the girls decorated the orchards with Japanese lanterns and streamers which hung suspended from the tree. Tables and chairs had been neatly arranged to accommodate a large crowd as the ice cream social had been well advertised.
But that afternoon the sky grew darker and darker with heavy black clouds. A very hard rain threatened as the time for the ice cream social grew closer and closer, so did the storm.
In deep concern, Jenny suggested to her girls their great need for prayers. There were several factors involved. Hard rain would ruin the basement of the Stone Church which had been plastered and finished. It was the only meeting place in which the saints could meet for church.
The rain would also prevent the girls from making the contribution they had worked so hard for, and they would not be able to repay the businessmen for the material as they had promised. Then, too. It would also stop the men of the church who were working as fast as they could to get the roof on before the fall rains set in.
Jenny assured the girls that God was able to keep the rain from stopping their social and their work on the church if their faith was adequate. After talking with them, Jenny led her young ladies to a quiet place in the orchard away from the busy street. Here they formed a circle, held hands, and each poured out her heart to God.
After their prayers, they went back to complete their work. Soon everything was in readiness and people began to assemble.
Suddenly the storm hit Independence, and the rain literally poured across the street on the temple lot. Water was running down so hard it looked like a sheet, but on the orchard and Stone Church roof, hardly a drop of water fell.
Men coming home from work in Kansas City rode through this terrible downpour. They decided Jenny and her girls would need some help to get those drenched things put away. So, they went to the orchard with the intention of helping. How surprised and delighted they were to see the ice cream social in full swing.
Concerned businessmen drove through that downpour from the Square. They expected to see the orchard wet and deserted. Imagine their amazement when they saw the lights burning brightly and the orchard crowded with people sitting in dry seats at tables where no rain had fallen;
As a result, God's blessing, the roof was completed at the Stone Church. Jenny and her girls were able to pay back the businessmen for what they had contributed. And they had more money from their project than had ever been contributed in any one project before. And best of all, they knew they had shared in a miracle they would never forget.
這就是今天我要跟大家分享的內容, 等等請弟兄喬丹幫我們做課後禱告. 下課!
(省話一哥, 果然堅持本性, 該唸的唸完, 該說的說完, 絕不拖泥帶水, 言簡意賅, 點到為止)
(Those Who Came:<Lin> Paul, Jason, David; Ruby Chen
(Stenographer:Susan Shelton) (Interpreter:Paul Lin)
(Skype to:<Lade> Rick, Nancy, Amanda, David, Anna, Joseph; Elizabeth Woodward; Frank Van Fleet; <Moellmann> Matthew, Jai-yu, Joshua)