Noticed from Monica
Hey Everybody,
I hope everything is going well for you. I would like to invite you all to our exciting Christmas party! It will be the Friday before Christmas (which is Christmas Eve)--December 24th. Everybody loves to exchange gifts as we remember the ultimate gift given from God--his son Jesus Christ!
If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a gift of no more than $200. Try to find something that everyone will find useful or exciting!
Giving is just as much fun as receiving because it brings joy to others! Also, please invite your friends to come and bring a snack to share with everyone.
We'll sing, play some fun games, open presents, and enjoy the snacks and fellowship. I hope you can make it--I look forward to seeing you all there! :-) Please let me know if you have any questions.
Let's remember the reason for the season!
Merry Christmas!
一封來自 莫妮可 真摰的邀約 ~ ~ ~
Hey AV8D:
這一路走來, 希望大家都平安順利. 在此, 我真誠的邀請你, 來參加我們所辦, 令人興奮的聖誕晚會, 日期就在 12 月24 日星期五晚課的聖誕夜, 大家應喜歡交換禮物, 也應該還記得我們擁有, 一個無限美好來自 神恩賜的超級大禮 --> 祂的兒子, 耶穌基督.
假使你想要參與分享禮物交換的話, 請帶一件不要超出 $200 元 , 對他人有用或引起他人感到高興的禮品來交換.
" 施比受有福" 因為我們在給予當中, 把喜悅也一塊分享出去. 記得邀請親朋好友來參加, 同時也要記得帶一點零嘴. 餅乾. 糖果. 水果或飲料來與大家交換分享.
晚會一開始, 我們會有詩歌頌唱, 進行中也會有趣味性的歡樂活動, 以及拆禮物的喜悅與驚訝, 更重要的是一起分享大家所帶來的糕點飲料和蔬果. 我很期待你們能全員參加, 如果你對活動有任何的疑問, 請告訴我.
祝你 聖誕快樂
莫妮可 敬邀