The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission

September 11th, 2016 Faith

(牧師馬太 Pastor Matthew Moellmann)

哈囉! 大家好, 中秋節快樂.” 牧師馬太先用中文問安(說得不錯喔), 已入深秋, 這裡早晚涼涼的只有15 –16, (台灣還是27-32度居高不下); 接著說: “看的到聽得到我嗎?” 實在是接連幾次的連線, 都不盡理想, 才會這麼詢問吧? 可惜, 今天還是有點模糊呢

今天的主題將談到 對耶和華要有信心”, 首先來看一段非常簡短的經文:

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馬可福音 Mark 11:22

22 耶穌回答說、你們當信服 神。

"Have faith in God," Jesus answered.

Paul, 我先說件事給大家笑一笑, 前幾天, 我去看眼科, 醫生說, 我沒辦法把你的手變長, 除非你的手伸得夠遠, 否則你必須配老花眼鏡了…; 不過 Eileen 如果在鏡頭前拿著書的話, 或許我還能讀一段經文呢; 原來是老花加深了, 已經到看不清眼前經書內容的地步了. ! ! !

閒話一句, 言歸正傳; 這經文的後段你們當信服 神, 說的正是聖經裡的重點. 我們會相信很多種事務, 像我就很相信我太太, 同樣的她也很相信我. 可是, 我們人類的記憶力, 卻會隨著年歲增長而衰退. 往往她交代的事情, 我經常給她忘記, 雖然她對我仍相信, 可惜我還是因忘記而搞砸了.


你們看, 這活生生的一個絕好例子在眼前, 我們很相信這樣的連線, 它卻說斷訊就斷訊, 不是嗎? 又在幾周前, 我老闆把要給我的薪水(支票)給搞丟了, 同樣的, 我也對老闆暫時失去信心了, 是不?

諸如此類, 我們可以在日常生活中, 經常碰到, 雖說有相信的心, 實質上, 我們並沒有真正的信靠在某些事上. 但在此時, 我願意展示全心全意信靠我們活生生的 , 可以無憂無慮的見證給大家參考.

這些見證, 存在於希伯來書十一章的經文裡, 我們可以發現我們的 , 是如此值得大家的信任和依靠.

(此時連線又小小凸槌在手機和室內網路連線間切換, 好在一下, 就自己又回神了)

我們繼續說下去, 所以希伯來書十一章, 給了我們很多的範例, 或者說是見證, 在閱讀中, 可以發現是寫有關女士給希伯來, 給猶太人的見證, 而這些在舊約裡可以找到更多.

現在, 我們就分成幾個段落, 來導讀這些見證的經文:

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希伯來書 Hebrew 11:1-40

1 信就是所望之事的實底、是未見之事的確據。

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

2 古人在這信上得了美好的證據。

This is what the ancients were commended for.

3 我們因著信、就知道諸世界是藉 神話造成的.這樣、所看見的、並不是從顯然之物造出來的。

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

4 亞伯因著信獻祭與 神、比該隱所獻的更美、因此便得了稱義的見證、就是 神指著他禮物作的見證.他雖然死了、卻因這信仍舊說話。

By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.

5 以諾因著信被接去、不至於見死.人也找不著他、因為 神已經把他接去了.只是他被接去以先、已經得了 神喜悅他的明證。

By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

6 人非有信、就不能得 神的喜悅.因為到 神面前來的人、必須信有 神,且信祂賞賜那尋求祂的人。

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

7 挪亞因著信、既蒙 神指示他未見的事、動了敬畏的心、豫備了一隻方舟、使他全家得救.因此就定了那世代的罪、自己也承受了那從信而來的義。

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

此章節, 自耶和華開天闢地創設說起:談到

亞伯因著信獻祭與 神、比該隱所獻的更美、因此便得了稱義的見證; 談到

以諾因著信被接去、不至於見死.人也找不著他、因為 神已經把他接去了; 談到

挪亞因著信、既蒙 神指示他未見的事、動了敬畏的心、豫備了一隻方舟、使他全家得救.因此就定了那世代的罪、自己也承受了那從信而來的義;

自始至終, 這些人憑著信靠 , 影響到他們的一生, 甚至子子孫孫也都得到 神的庇護.

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8 亞伯拉罕因著信、蒙召的時候、就遵命出去、往將來要得為業的地方去.出去的時候、還不知往那裡去。

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.

9 他因著信、就在所應許之地作客、好像在異地居住帳棚、與那同蒙一個應許的以撒、雅各一樣。

By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.

10 因為他等候那座有根基的城、就是 神所經營所建造的。

For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

11 因著信、連撒拉自己、雖然過了生育的歲數、還能懷孕.因他以為那應許他的是可信的.

By faith Abraham, even though he was past age--and Sarah herself was barren--was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise.

12 所以從一個彷彿已死的人就生出子孫、如同天上的星那樣眾多、海邊的沙那樣無數。

And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

13 這些人都是存著信心死的、並沒有得著所應許的、卻從遠處望見、且歡喜迎接、又承認自己在世上是客旅、是寄居的。

All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.

14 說這樣話的人、是表明自己要找一個家鄉。

People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.

15 他們若想念所離開的家鄉、還有可以回去的機會。

If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.

16 他們卻羨慕一個更美的家鄉、就是在天上的.所以 神被稱為他們的 神、並不以為恥.因為他已經給他們豫備了一座城。

Instead, they were longing for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

在此提到亞伯拉罕, 以及它的妻子薩拉, 都因著信靠 , 使他們雖過了生育之年齡, 仍然得以有後, 並且將是眾國族的祖先, 只因他們信靠 , 神也給予承諾的回報. 接著提到的, 就是亞伯拉罕和獻祭兒子以撒的事.

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17 亞伯拉罕因著信、被試驗的時候、就把以撒獻上.這便是那歡喜領受應許的、將自己獨生的兒子獻上。

By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son,

18 論到這兒子曾有話說、『從以撒生的纔要稱為你的後裔.』

even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned."

19 他以為 神還能叫人從死裡復活.他也彷彿從死中得回他的兒子來。

Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.

20 以撒因著信、就指著將來的事、給雅各以掃祝福。

By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future.

21 雅各因著信、臨死的時候、給約瑟的兩個兒子各自祝福、扶著杖頭敬拜 神。

By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.

22 約瑟因著信、臨終的時候、題到以色列族將來要出埃及、並為自己的骸骨留下遺命。

By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions about his bones.

繼續談到亞伯拉罕因為信靠 , 而有獻祭以撒的試煉, 而以撒因為信, 將來自 神的祝福給予兒子雅各以掃, 雅各再把祝福傳給兒子約瑟及兩個孫子.

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23 摩西生下來、他的父母見他是個俊美的子、就因著信把他藏了三個月、並不怕王命。

By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.

24 摩西因著信、長大了就不肯稱為法老女兒之子.

By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter.

25 他寧可和 神的百姓同受苦害、也不願暫時享受罪中之樂.

He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.

26 他看為基督受的凌辱、比埃及的財物更寶貴.因他想望所要得的賞賜。

He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.

27 他因著信、就離開埃及、不怕王怒.因為他恆心忍耐、如同看見那不能看見的主。

By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.

28 他因著信、就守逾越節、〔守或作立〕行灑血的禮、免得那滅長子的臨近以色列人。

By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.

29 他們因著信、過紅海如行乾地.埃及人試著要過去、就被吞滅了。

By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

30 以色列人因著信、圍繞耶利哥城七日、城牆就倒塌了。

By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.

31 妓女喇合因著信、曾和和平平的接待探子、就不與那些不順從的人一同滅亡。

By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.

摩西出生三個月, 就被父母放水流, 後被法老王女兒收養, 長大後, 捨棄貴族身分而與平民一起; 悖逆王命, 也要帶領猶太民族離開埃及; 信天使的話, 抹血在橫樑門楣上, 以避追殺長子的(踰越節); 跨紅海如行旱地, 斷絕埃及成千上萬的兵馬追殺; 圍城繞行七日, 耶利哥城牆自塌; 妓女喇合接待信使, 獲得平安, 全身而退. 這一切, 都是因為信靠耶和華, 得到承諾的報償.


32 我又何必再說呢.若要一一細說、基甸、巴拉、參孫、耶弗他、大衛、撒母耳、和眾先知的事、時候就不彀了。

And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets,

33 他們因著信、制伏了敵國、行了公義、得了應許、堵了獅子的口。

who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions,

34 滅了烈火的猛勢、脫了刀劍的鋒刃、軟弱變為剛強、爭戰顯出勇敢、打退外邦的全軍。

quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.

35 有婦人得自己的死人復活、又有人忍受嚴刑、不肯苟且得釋放、〔釋放原文作贖〕為要得著更美的復活.

Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection.

36 又有人忍受戲弄、鞭打、捆鎖、監禁、各等的磨煉、

Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison.

37 被石頭打死、被鋸鋸死、受試探、被刀殺.披著綿羊山羊的皮各處奔跑、受窮乏、患難、苦害、

They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated--

38 在曠野、山嶺、山洞、地穴、飄流無定.本是世界不配有的人。

the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

39 這些人都是因信得了美好的證據、卻仍未得著所應許的.

These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.

40 因為 神給我們豫備了更美的事、叫他們若不與我們同得、就不能完全。

God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

如果要一一唱名列舉, 那自創世紀以來, 以迄希伯來書, 就可說是枚不勝舉, 這些人的見證事例, 重點只有一個, 就是他們都信靠耶和華, 遵守主耶穌的誡命, 神也給予祝福的承諾.

今天回家後的功課, 請翻閱舊約, 找出這些人名事例的相關章節, 我們下禮拜, 我將做一個小小的測試, 有五道題目 … ;” (以上純屬玩笑, 請不要認真. 哈哈哈. )

或者你會自問, 我真能信靠耶和華嗎? 在這裡, 我可以明確的告訴各位, 是的, 耶和華主耶穌絕對是值得你信靠的. 接著, 我來讀一段藍色見證本, 57:

神已為你準備所需 God Will Provide “

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藍色見證本 Blue Testimony P.57-59

神已為你準備所需 God will provide

今天的連線仍是斷斷續續的, 耽誤不少時間, 由於天色已晚, 我就不照本宣科的唸, 大略說一下故事內容:

當我太太和我, 要從麻州返家時, 由於離開船還有一點時間, 我就建議太太行前禱告後, 下碼頭地上走一走. 而到明天早上十一點, 我們還要轉搭火車去緬因州, 然後明晚九點, 才能抵達我們的行程終點. 此時我才發現估算錯誤, 身上的銀兩, 可能無法支應還有兩天的行程與用餐;

在碼頭散步時, 我跟太太說, 身上銀兩不足, 可能要餓個一兩餐囉, 於是又為此事而禱告. 此時離開船還有一個鐘頭的空檔, 所以繼續在附近邊打轉, 邊往船上走, 消磨時間.

當他們往回走的路上, 就再一個街角轉彎處, 迎面撞上另一個人, 相視一陣之後, 互相捉住胳膊, 激動的嘶吼起來, 怎麼是你…, 原來是他鄉遇故知, 都是密蘇里州的鄉親.

那人因急著趕火車回密蘇里州, 一陣寒暄過後, 互道珍重再見, 就各自分開而行. 當夫妻倆行走一小段路後, 剛剛那人, 卻匆匆忙忙的, 又回到他們的眼前;

遞出手上的小包包, : 這個給你們, 我覺得我應該要這麼做的, 因為, 我感受到聖靈在我心裡面, 告訴我又驅使我必須要這麼做. 然後丟出有一些財務的小包包, 交到夫妻倆的手上, 之後轉身就走.

夫婦倆相視之後, 看了看丈夫手上的包包, 心裡想不會是沒有錯, 手上拿著的, 正是剛剛老鄉臨走時, 丟給他們的一些錢, 恰好足夠應付他們這兩天旅途所需, 甚至剩下的錢, 還夠他們用上兩個禮拜, 都還有剩餘.

這是一段簡短的見證, 卻足以證明, 當信心充足時, 你所信靠的 , 將會為你準備好, 你所須要的, 無論是一頓小小的餐飲, 或是大大的遮風避雨之處.

除了禱告祈求, 我們還需要耐心, 等待祂的回答, 直到祂的應允, 我們才能得著所需求的, 而不是捨棄耐心的等待, 只求即時的答應.

雖然, 我太太不盡然- 因為我常忘記她所交代的事, 像是昨天, 我又忘記買牙膏回家, 而對我產生相對的信心, 可是我知道, 她對耶和華是絕對的信靠, 因為禱告、祈求, 祂必回應.

總合今天的題目和內容, 我想說對於創建宇宙, 造設萬物的耶和華、主耶穌基督, 以及伴隨我們身心的聖靈, 絕對是我們生活上的得力幫手, 是值得我們信靠的; 也都是我們智慧與生活的明燈, 指引我們邁向永恆生命的大道.

(常常凸槌的網路, 果然是不值得我們信賴的!)


(Those Who Came: Eric Ho, Eileen Chen; Paul Lin; Sharon Wu, Jake Chen; Jimmy Hsu; Ruby Chen; Joanna Lin)(Tom Lin)

(Stenographer: Susan Shelton)  (Interpreter: Paul Lin)

(Skype to: <Moellmann> Matthew, Jai-yu; <Lade> Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, David, Anna, Joseph; Frank Van Fleet; Elizabeth Woodward; Emma Brown)

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