
The Church of Jesus Christ Taiwan Restoration Mission
March 31st, 2013 (Sunday 10:30am –14:00pm)
Topic: Easter主題: 復活節
路加福音 Luke 22:39-41
39 耶穌出來、照常往橄欖山去.門徒也跟隨他。
Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.
40 到了那地方、就對他們說、你們要禱告、免得入了迷惑。
On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation."
41 於是離開他們、約有扔一塊石頭那麼遠、跪下禱告、
He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
聖經裡的馬太福音、馬可福音、路加福音、約翰福音等四大福音, 皆指出耶穌基督, 在人世間短短的33個年頭, 一直以來都遵守奉行 神的旨意.
D&C 18:2h, i
18:2h 因為,看啊,我,神,替全人類承受了這些,他們若肯悔改就可以不受苦;但是他們若不肯悔改,就必定像我一樣受苦;
For behold, I, God, have asuffered these things for all, that they bmight not suffer if they would crepent; But if they would not repent they must asuffer even as I;
18:2i 那種痛苦使我自己,甚至神,一切中最偉大的,也因疼痛而顫抖,每個毛孔都流血,身體和靈都受苦──而且希望我可以不喝那苦杯,而且退縮
Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink
施洗者約翰為 耶穌施洗禮, 旋即聖靈充滿 耶穌, 並把 祂帶往曠野, 其後的40天裡與 天父不斷的溝通, 最後 耶穌為人的悔改, 祈求 耶和華, 以犧牲自己, 來免除世人的罪, (這也是 祂成為代罪羔羊的例證) 終於讓 祂被釘死在十字架上, 以擔負世人的罪.
Testimony 見證: Amanda Lade
在我大約六歲的時候, 我做了一個夢, 夢中的情形是:
1) 我站在彼拉多和 耶穌基督的後方, 面對著群眾, 親身體認到 祂的無瑕, 卻被判處死刑.
2) 看到 耶穌扛著重重的十字架, 緩慢的拖行, 難以想像 祂承受了多少世人的罪, 我上前想幫忙扛十字架, 卻發現十字架重逾千斤, 非我所能幫的上忙的.
3) 又因耶穌基督頭戴荆棘的王冠而血流滿面, 看得我心痛得無法承受, 也淚流滿面.(哭醒)
(以上夢境, 皆是當時哭醒後口述, 由我媽媽 Nancy 紀錄下來, 並存放在一個安全的地方, 不久之前, 媽媽拿出來給我看過, 夢境一幕幕活生生的回到腦中, 仍歷歷在目.)
常常喜樂,不住禱告,時時感恩 你相信奇蹟嗎? 就從現在開始禱告吧!
(Those Who Came: Paul Lin, Rachel Yang, Eric Ho, Laura Yang Mama, Ruby Chen, Tom Lin)
(Skype to: Rick & Nancy, Sarah, Amanda, Joseph, Anna, David, Matthew & Jai-Yu, Joshua, Maggie, Sashay, Uncel)
路加福音 Luke 18:27
耶穌說、在人所不能的事、在 神卻能。
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
教會知識網 http://taiwanmission4christ.wordpress.com/
謝謝參與的各位弟兄姐妹, 祝福你們 “ 身心安康, 平安喜樂 ”, 主與你同在!
PS.下週日 4/7 因清明連假, 暫停上課一次.